In short, fat lipolysis is the breakdown and mobilization of fat, and fat oxidation is the burning of fat for fuel. Some research suggests that fat lipolysis and oxidation increase when exercise is performed in a fasted state. Another important clarification to make relates to energy substrate ratios.
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Using MYZONE's fitness tracker app, you can monitor what zone you're in and judge how much you're burning during a workout. In the end, the overall number of calories we burn during our workout plays a bigger factor, and we are more likely to burn more calories during higher intensity workouts. Further, we are more likely to continue to burn calories at a higher rate following a high-intensity workout than a low to moderate intensity workout, a concept called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption EPOC that we explained in a previous blog post.
Yet another key term to define is energy balance. Energy balance refers to the difference between the number of calories you consume through food and beverage and the number of calories you expend through purposeful activity, activities of daily living, and the thermic effect of food the energy it takes to digest food.
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If you are in a positive energy balance, you are consuming more calories than you are expending, and you will gain weight. If you are in a neutral energy balance , you are consuming and expending calories equivalently, and you will maintain weight. If you are in a negative energy balance , you are burning more calories than you are consuming, and you will lose weight.

It is our energy balance at the end of the day, the end of the week, and the end of the month that determines whether we will lose, maintain, or gain weight. Ok, on to the research and expert opinion about fasted cardio.
As we would expect, opinions about fasted cardio are mixed among researchers, fitness professionals, and general exercisers. Some studies and articles claim that you will burn more fat during exercise if you are in a fasted state due to increased fat lipolysis and fat oxidation; however, that is only one small part of the equation. Other studies show that you will burn more fat and more overall calories 12 and 24 hours after an exercise session if you are in a fed state during the exercise session.
Ask The Muscle Prof: What Should I Eat Before And After Cardio?
Aaptiv delivers the highest quality fitness and health information from personal trainers and industry experts. Subscribe now for a weekly dose of inspiration and education. Written by Julia Dellitt. Roast walnuts or almonds in the oven or on a pan in coconut oil for a heart-healthy, high protein snack. Add any spices for extra flavors, such as cinnamon or curry! This creamy green smoothie is loaded with healthy fats, protein, fiber, and vitamins.
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- The Best Foods to Eat Before and After Your Workout!
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Add almond butter or good quality peanut butter to a brown rice cake or two. Finish it off with sliced bananas and cinnamon. Super portable, this snack is simple and energy-boosting. Mash one banana in a bowl. Add two eggs, whisk together. Cook in coconut oil or grass-fed butter. Top the finished product with a handful of nuts.
Here you have banana pancakes—a delicious, balanced quick snack. Eat a granola bar made from real foods. It has a nice balance of protein, fat, and carbs. Food Nutrition. Subscribe Welcome to the guidebook to your healthiest life. However, a lot of people believe otherwise.
It could actually be detrimental for your health.
What to eat before and after a workout to lose weight and tone up!
You want to focus on building muscle and losing fat through workouts, right? Read - Green detox juice: The best weight loss drink to get rid of belly fat quickly and naturally. When you eat your meals is as important as what you eat. If you want to get the best results out of your training sessions, you need to eat complex carbohydrates at least 45 minutes before you head for a workout.
You should avoid eating right before a workout. During a workout, you are putting strain on your muscles. At the same time, if your stomach is also trying to digest food, you will not be able to workout optimally. In fact, you might even end up vomiting if you are doing abdominal exercises.
Fasted Cardio – To Eat or Not to Eat Before Exercise?
Read - Weight loss: 5 best protein powders that will help you lose weight and flatten your tummy. Everyone is always talking about proteins when it comes to a pre-workout meal. But the truth is, you also need carbs and fats to help you through your session and melt body fat. Each of them has an important function to play during your workout. Proteins, made up of amino acids, allow your muscles to rebuild as well as repair.