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Back to top. Benefits : Noted to be good for reducing body fat and for promoting rapid strength and muscle gains. Side effects : Relatively mild with this compound, although those who worry about gyno or androgenic side effects should exercise caution. Tends to be expensive! ALRI introduced this compound and it is dosed at mg by most users. Benefits : Reviews are mixed on this product but those who do like it often claim very good muscle and strength gains allied to a reduction in body fat.
Side effects : Being both quite androgenic and estrogenic it should be used with caution and remedies to combat hair loss and gyno. Erase Pro is worth considering. Yet another product by ALRI. This one is usually dosed at around mg a day. Benefits : Max LMG can cause rapid gains in bulk of a wet nature due to its progestogenic nature.
Prohormone Cycle Guide {+ The Benefits & Side Effects}
It is great for those needing fast weight gain and unconcerned about looking smooth or fat. Side effects :One to avoid for anyone worried about a quality looking physique, gynecomastia, or hair loss. This is also very expensive! Anabolic Xtreme formulated this product and brought it on to the bodybuilding market. Usually dosed at around capsules a day, 3-AD contains various other nutrients, but the active prohormone is 2-androstenol acetate.
Benefits :Effective overall mass gainer. Gains are a little wet, but not too bad for those worried about estrogen. Side effects :It is not the worst, but estrogenic and androgenic side effects remain a possibility. Dymethazine, also known as Dimethazine, is a DHT derived compound with an interesting chemical structure.
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It is essentially a double bonded Super-drol, with an Azine bridge. A relatively recent introduction to the prohormone world by i- Force Nutrition, Dymethazine is a product that has attracted a great deal of interest given its unique chemical structure. Benefits : Users of this compound reported similar effects to those seen in Super-drol. Side Effects :Although not having any estrogenic action, Dymethazine use poses the same issue of liver toxicity and androgenic effects as other prohormones.
The One was developed by Applied Nutriceuticals and is a prohormone of Dihydrotestosterone. Benefits :Being a prohormone to DHT, The One can be expected to be notably androgenic, resulting in dry, muscle gains with an absence of water retention and solid gains in strength. As it does not convert to estrogen or progesterone, side effects related to those should not be an issue. Liver toxicity would remain a concern though and it would be a good idea to take this product with something to support health liver function.
Often compared to Havoc, most users will generally agree that this was a more potent compound able to deliver greater gains and better suited for prohormone users who prefer to employ very short cycles of weeks. More widely known as Dienedione, Trenadrol converts into the orally active androgen Dienolone, popularly referred to as Tren.
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Neither Trenadrol nor Dienolone are related to the steroid Trenbolone though despite its Tren nickname. Instead, it seems to have garnered this nickname due to the relatively similar effects to trenbolone. Furazadrol was developed by Axis Labs as an alternative to methylated prohormones such as Havoc or Dymethazine. As a non-methylated compound it will appeal on the grounds of being very safe and is often used by beginners new to prohormones either alone or in a stack with Bold Effects :Furazadrol has a high anabolic to androgenic ration meaning muscle gains with low risk of androgenic side effects.
It does not convert to estrogen meaning gains will be lean in nature, with an absence of water retention.
Side Effects :Although the risk of side effects is low, it is usually required to be dosed in dosages of mg a day making it quite expensive. Given its otherwise favourable profile it makes an excellent choice for someone looking to stack with another prohormones. So here we come to the part where readers ask 'which is the best prohormone to take and when? People need to consider their own objectives and risk factors before taking any prohormone.
Are Prohormones Any Good for Weight Loss Cycles? |
Generally speaking, all we can say is that it is advisable to start with a mild steroid first and keep doses low, typically for weeks. For a novice this will still lead to excellent gains.
It is critical in our opinion, that an estrogen blocking product should be held ready at the start of a prohormone cycle. Users unworried about estrogen can take it for weeks after the end of their cycle. Those concerned about estrogen, should employ it both during and after. In this respect, Havoc makes good choice as it negates the need for an anti-estrogen during the cycle, due to the fact they are inherently anti-estrogenic. Still, even with them, an estrogen blocker should be applied after all cycles with prohormones.
Assuming a good clean diet is eaten, normally the only advice we would recommend is to increase protein intake to at least 2g of protein per pound of bodyweight. So, for a lb individual that would be g of protein a day. Given the fact almost all prohormones are oral in nature, we recommend increasing water intake also and employing the use of a liver protectant such as Silymarin and N-acetyl cysteine, along with fish oil dosed at 6g a day. Those who are particularly anal may want to consider taking their prohormones with grapefruit juice. In theory, this will help increase their gains via inhibition of enzymes that break down drugs leading to enhanced absorption.
Given the fact you are taking a powerful prohormone which will rapidly boost muscle mass, training volume should be increased but we recommend limiting the increase in weights. Instead, after your cycle has concluded, given the catabolic environment present post cycle, it is an excellent time to reduce volume and increase the weight which will help preserve your muscle and strength gains whilst keeping cortisol a hormone indicated in the breaking down of muscle levels low. A good rule of thumb is to double your normal training volume on cycle and then reducing it to a half of your normal training volume in the first few weeks post cycle while your body gets back to a homeostatic state normal hormonal environment.
So, if you do 10 sets a session normally, go to 20 on prohormones, and then reduce to 5 until your post cycle estrogen blocker has finished its job. Prohormones are powerful compounds with the ability to impart significant gains in muscle and strength mass.

We hope this article has provided some useful information for you to help understand their benefits, applications and how to structure their use within your overall training and dietary plan. We use cookies to improve your experience, show you products you may like and save your cart. Rated 4. Exclusive products found nowhere else. What is a Prohormone? Do Prohormones Work?