The idea is to challenge your nervous system by changing exercises, loads and rest structures. The total-body workouts will be 45 minutes to an hour long, and the interval workouts can be as short as 20 minutes. The daily rotation will be total-body training, interval training, total-body training, interval training and then rest. On the total-body days, every exercise is going to work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, and every day is going to be different.
Weekly Weight Loss Workout Plan: Your Weekly Fitness Plan If You Want To Lose Weight
On the interval days, in which pace is the entire focus, you can pretty much choose whatever exercise you like to do and turn it into a speed workout. You can use cardio machines or you can bike ride, run, do stadium stairs, jump rope, hike trails, whatever you prefer. Go at 90 percent intensity for 30 seconds and then drop it to 40 percent intensity for 30 seconds.
Alternate that way for 20 minutes and you have an incredible, high-intensity interval cardio workout. Choose an exercise that you enjoy, such as running, biking, hiking, swimming, etc. Exercise for 20 minutes, alternating between 30 seconds at 90 percent to 95 percent effort and 30 seconds at 40 percent effort. While you will still be mixing in exercises that you may not have done before, for some of the standard movements in which dumbbells are involved, increase the weight by 5 pounds to make sure your muscles are still getting fatigued.
Do these 7 weight-loss exercises for a month
The extra weight will also make the workouts incrementally harder. Crunches, sit-ups, leg lifts, plank holds — all these things will be mixed in so you can focus on firing your core and chiseling your midsection.

One way to mix this in is to break up your 20 minutes of interval training into five-minute increments. You do five minutes of intervals, two minutes of core work, and then you go back into your intervals. Increase total interval training time to 24 minutes. Break down your interval training into four six-minute sessions. After each session, choose one of the following core exercises to perform for two minutes 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off :. Coming from a traditional gym workout, or no workout, people are going to see plenty of results at this point.
Now is the time to possibly fine-tune any specific areas. The local muscle tissue around that area will be firing harder than ever, which will get the connective tissues firing, and the whole muscle system will get an intense workout. If you want to keep on losing weight, you can continue increasing the weights within each exercise.
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If you want to add muscle to your frame, you can begin to include some heavy-weight, low-rep sets for that muscle group. The point is, after three months of this workout, your body has the foundation to be sculpted in whatever direction you want. All you have to do is pick your path. Decrease rest in timed sets to 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Increase reps to 15 per set. Begin the workout with heavy-weight, low-rep, body-specific exercises of your choosing. Example: Squats: three sets of four reps at 80 percent max.
Continue the core work, but perform core exercises for two minutes straight or as long as possible rather than 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off. Increase the total interval training time to 30 minutes. Get into push-up position, and without moving your hands, explosively bring one leg forward, then put it back as you bring the other forward. Alternate quickly in this fashion for the prescribed time.
Stand holding a ball with both hands, arms extended overhead. Drop down into a deep squat position as you bring the ball down between your legs, touching it on the floor at the bottom. Stand and repeat. Save FB Tweet ellipsis More.
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Image zoom. Lower-Body Strength. Abs and Arms Workout.
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Monthly Workout Plan: Week 4. Total-Body Strength and Cardio. Credit: Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong. Comments 16 Add Comment. July 10, Over the years I've tried many methods recommended by both my friends and family but none of them seemed to work out for me until I chanced upon this holy grail where I've lost almost 33 pounds in just 1 month trying it out! I can now fit in dresses two sizes down and receive many compliments from not only my lovely husband, but colleagues and girlfriends about how great I look right now!
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But, with patience and determination and a lot of research! All it took, was the right exercise program and a way to manipulate estrogen metabolism. Read my story here December 17, December 8, December 4, November 28, Wanna increase muscle size, strength and performance? November 16, November 13,