Then rest for three minutes and repeat the circuit.
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Do three or four circuits in total. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, rest the bar on your back and engage your abs. Bend at the knees and hips simultaneously to lower until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then press back up. Keeping your elbows directly below the bar, press the weight overhead until your arms are locked out, then lower back to the start. Standing with your feet just narrower than shoulder-width, rest the bar on your back and engage your abs.
Take a big step forwards and bend both knees, keeping your front knee over your front foot, then push back to the start. Start with the bar on your back.

Engage your abs, then lower into a quarter squat while looking straight ahead. Drive up and press the bar straight up until your arms are locked out. Use leg drive to inject some momentum into the move. Rest the bar on the front of your shoulders, then lower into a front squat, keeping your torso upright. Drive with your legs to straighten up, using that momentum to send the bar straight overhead until your arms are straight. Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, holding the barbell across the front of your thighs with your shoulder blades slightly retracted. Engage your trapezius muscles by pushing your shoulders up towards your ears.
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Pause at the top, then lower under control. Our suggestion is that you should pick up a barbell and do this circuit.
13 Best Fat Burning Exercises for Training and Workouts
It starts by you putting the bar on your back and it, er, finishes pretty much the same way. In between you do five different moves that will get your heart rate up, which forces your heart and lungs to work harder. So, go ahead and give it a try. You have nothing to lose but that spare tyre. Do the five exercises in order, sticking to the reps detailed, without resting until you finish all the reps of the fifth and final move of the circuit. Rest for two minutes, then repeat the circuit. Do three circuits in total.
As you progress you can add another circuit or add weight to the bar. Stand up straight with the bar on your back. Push through your front foot to return to the start. This is a real test of co-ordination so to help keep your balance, make sure you keep your head still and your eyes looking forwards. Hold the bar across your back with a double shoulder-width grip. Lower into a quarter squat, then push up explosively to press the weight directly overhead.
Lower the bar back to the start and repeat the move without pausing. Rest the bar on your upper back, then bend at the hips and the waist simultaneously to lower until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Ensure that your knees remain in line with your toes. Then press back up to the start. Do some mobility work and stretching to help you get deeper into the move.
Bend your knees slightly and push your backside back to hinge at the hips and lower your torso until you feel a strong stretch in your hamstrings. Then return to the start and squeeze your glutes at the top of the move. Set a timer for three minutes. Do all the reps of exercises , and then as many reps as possible of good-form burpees until the time is up. Rest for 60 seconds, then repeat the whole process for between two and four sets. Keep a tally of the total number of burpees you do.
Next time around, beat it. Hold the bar with an overhand grip. Retract your shoulder blades to engage the muscles in your upper back. Brace your core and pull up until your chin is over the bar.
2. Kettlebell swing
Lower under control. Jump to the top position, then lower slowly. Lower into a quarter squat, then explode up to jump and land on the box. Bend your legs to cushion your landing. Stand up, then step back down. Squat down, keeping your chest up, back straight and the weight on your heels. Drive up powerfully and press the weight overhead. Drive your hips forward to start the swing.
As you lower, hinge at the hips by pushing your glutes back. When you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, drive your hips forward powerfully.
The Quick Workout That Will Boost Your Fat Burn
Drop to a crouch. Jump your feet back into a press-up position. Jump your feet forwards again, drive up and jump. Pro tip: Breathe in on the way down and out as you jump back up. A kettlebell offers phenomenal fat-burning options that will get your muscles moving the way they were meant to — as one, for real-world functional strength. This circuit will help you move better and look great too. This circuit starts with three multi-joint compound lifts to work your major muscle groups, especially your legs, glutes and core, and get your heart rate sky-high.
Then come two unilateral single-arm moves to increase the workload on your shoulders, chest and arms with the aim of building lean muscle mass. The result? A bigger, stronger and leaner you. Do the five moves in order, sticking to the reps detailed. At the end of the circuit rest for 90sec, then repeat for a total of four circuits. For balanced gains, use your left arm to do the unilateral moves in circuits 1 and 3, and your right arm in circuits 2 and 4. Drive your hips forwards to push the kettlebell off your body to start the swing. You will see the amazing results in the mirror and, more importantly, feel them.
Focusing on how you feel or other non-scale victories tends to be far more effective for reaching your goals. A combination of strength training and HIIT, these fat-burning exercises target every body part to give you a rock-solid core and strong legs and arms. How it works: Do 1 set of each fat-burning exercise without resting between moves.
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Repeat the entire circuit 3 times. If you're short on time, you'll still get a great workout by doing 1 full circuit. For best results, do this fat-loss workout 3 days per week.