From Men's Health. When some actors prep for a role, they know they're in for a dramatic body transformation. That typically means extensive prep periods-think James McAvoy building up his body over months to become the Beast in Glass , or Brie Larson getting fit for her debut as Captain Marvel , when she trained for a whole 9 months. Then, there's Riverdale actor Drew Ray Tanner , who took just 21 days to get super shredded for his latest role.
The young star was cast as the romantic interest of one of the characters in an upcoming Netflix movie, the Alicia Keys-produced Work It , and the film's director had a very specific challenge for his look: "She told me, 'I want people to watch this movie, and I want you to be like, the hot guy of the generation,'" Tanner recalls in an interview with Men's Health. The only problem was that Tanner didn't have much time to get in shape. Knowing that his shred window was small, the actor linked up with trainer Alex Fine , who he met through his Riverdale co-star KJ Apa.
Fine takes most of his clients in-house, literally. Tanner moved into Fine's home in L. If there was a day off, it would be like a 15 mile run.
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Then I got to have a no run day the next day—but still did strength and conditioning. Day 2 of the program, for example, consisted of a speed run session in the morning 3 sets of 1 mile runs at a fast pace, with. To close out each day, Fine had a different core session to put even more focus on Tanner's midsection. You can check out the whole plan here. At one point, Fine could tell that Tanner was close to hitting a wall.
To give Tanner a spell from the monotony, Fine took the actor on a trip to Mexico to take on a boxing workout and ride ATVs. After that, Tanner was dialed in-enough so that he was even able to finish out the program on his own when he had to leave for the shoot. Tanner also adhered to a strict diet that restricted his calorie intake significantly.
He would eat one to calorie meal a day, drank tons of water, and had one daily reward. There was a smoothie bar near Fine's house, which is where Tanner had his sole indulgence during the training period. All told, Tanner estimates he was eating about 1, calories a day during the first week of training, before dropping to 1,calories a day for another week, then calories through the last 4 to 5 day stretch.
He became extremely aware of everything he was putting in his body, using a food scale and timing his meals to optimize his workouts.
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Importantly, the program was built only for that super short prep window-this type of intense training and meal plan isn't sustainable in the long term. For Tanner, this was acceptable because he had a specific goal and target in mind. Tanner didn't start the program in bad shape, but the final results were still dramatic.
By the end of the period, he had cut 19 pounds from his 5'9" frame, and felt good at the final weight of pounds. He looked just how he wanted for the part-and earned Fine's respect to boot. View this post on Instagram. I was able to work with drewraytanner over 21 days for Movie Role Prep. We are selling his exact workout program in my bio. Her parents divorced when she was a baby and she was raised mostly by her single mom who was also an actress.
Vikander began acting at He had a rough childhood and was living on his own by age Bautista worked as a nightclub bouncer until he was arrested for a Actor Born: Known For:. Estimated Macros. Diet Details. Lean In Apa sticks to a low-carb diet, and avoids all the refined stuff like bread and pasta.
Essential Caffeine Apa likes his coffee plain, no cream or sugar.
Alex Fine Performance
Whole Foods Apa sticks to wholesome, natural foods and skips the junk. What to Eat. Leafy greens. Froot Loops. What to Avoid. Refined sugar. Junk food. Fried food. Processed food.
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Chemical additives. Weekly Routine. Fine Technique Personal trainer Alex Fine has worked with several members of the Riverdale cast, getting them ready for all that on-screen chest-baring. HIIT It Apa does a combination of high-intensity interval training and boxing to keep his waist trim. Make It Work Apa works out days per week, depending on what he has time for.
Double Up Apa sometimes does 2 minute sessions per day. Exercise Style. I like to work out.
Meet the trainer who made Archie a hunk on ‘Riverdale’
A lot of people would say otherwise. Omega 3 Whether or not you eat seafood, supplementing with omega-3 essential fatty acids is a smart idea when you work out hard be-cause they reduce inflammation and give your brain a boost. Lower both knees to the front. Repeat up to 10 times on each side. Lie on your back holding a to pound kettlebell in one arm, straight above your shoulder. Engage your core and sit up, keeping your arm vertical the whole time. Lower back down with a straight arm.

Do 10 reps with the weight in one arm, then 10 reps with the other arm. Read Next. This story has been shared , times. This story has been shared 80, times. This story has been shared 66, times. View author archive Get author RSS feed. Name required. Email required.