How to lose belly fat without abs exercises

It was true though. In less than two years, as a graduate student at Stanford, I had gained 15 pounds. I wanted to get my flat abs back. I wanted to look at my pictures and remember how fun that moment was, not focus on how fat my belly looks like. I wanted to pull my no longer fitting skinny jeans out of the drawer, put them on, pair them with high heels and have a fun night out! Most importantly, I wanted to avoid waking up in ten years, looking myself in the mirror, and realizing I was fat and sedentary.

Or, worse having the doctor tell me I should do something about my weight. I envisioned myself evolving into a slim, vibrant grandma who actually knocks her grandkids down with her non-stop energy, not the other way around. I knew I had to change. I was sure of one thing though:.

I did actually get a flat belly without abs exercises at all!

The Truth: How To Burn Abdominal Fat! |

Unfortunately, crunches is one of the worst exercises ever for belly fat loss. Seriously, if you want to waste your time, then do crunches. You see most abs exercises keep you busy with their countless repetitions, but are in fact very superficial. However, if you want to get the fastest results possible, then cross them off your list.

While you are busy doing crunches, there are other things that you should be doing and are not thinking about. This transition was not easy, and it required me to get into cooking — which I hated. But it paid off. By preparing my food at home I would eat less — no more huge portion sizes. I would also have control over the ingredients and eat healthier food than anything served at restaurants. Already taking care of your nutrition? Your abs, or else, your core participates in most movements.

Lots of exercises target your abs, even though they. Abs exercises in particular are inefficient because they only work your abs — you could use the same amount of time and work BOTH your abs AND other muscle groups! Stronger muscles require more energy. Instead of devoting all this time working for strong abs, by choosing less specific exercises that still target your abs, you now have beautiful legs, butt, arms, back…along with a beautiful flat belly.

Push-ups : Think about it. Push-ups are like the plank , one of the most famous abs exercises, but they include one extra movement: getting your body down to the floor and back up. Pull-ins : Again this is very similar to the plank — just a lot more exhausting because of all this jumping! They both contain a cardiovascular component: They will make you heart beat faster as you do them! It depends. If you are weak, a senior, or in rehabilitation mode, then abs exercises may be exactly what you need.

If you are an advanced exerciser and need to specifically strengthen your core, then you cannot get away without doing ab exercises! However, assuming that you are an average person who wants a flat belly, then doing ab exercises is mostly equal to killing time. Exercising for two months straight and getting results, but then dropping it all for a couple of weeks and losing everything you worked for, is, obviously, not the way to go.

How to lose belly fat without a single abs exercise

You'll have beach-ready abs in no time! Belly fat burning exercises Looking for belly fat exercise? Want to lose stomach fat quickly? This weight loss app helps you lose spare tire belly. It has the best workouts to lose weight at home. Lose belly fat at home Take a few minutes a day to reduce belly fat with our stomach fat burning exercise.

All Ab workouts are designed by the professional fitness coach. Core workout Keep fit and lose belly fat with fat burning exercises. This app not only has core workout for men, but also has core workout for women. All these body fat burning exercise can be done anywhere at any time. Female fitness exercise With fat burning workouts for women, you can quickly belly fat loss and get 11 line abs. Just exercise at home to burn belly fat! Weight loss exercises Want to exercise to get a flat tummy? There are numerous physical activities and training programs to choose from, so you can try several and check the one that suits you most.

This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Consult a licensed physician for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!

Olivia is a passionate writer and a whip-smart proofreader who takes pride in her ability to turn hard-to-digest information into an enjoyable read. She is a book worm, a life of the party, a meditation and fitness enthusiast, and a champion for healthy living all in one. Dissecting dietary fads, debunking long-established weight loss myths and delivering science-backed quality content is her top priority.

When working on a piece, Olivia tunes into her own experience of trial-and-error weight loss which helps her cut through the clutter when doing extensive research. Her unbridled enthusiasm spills over into her work and motivates readers to chase after their full potential. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The health and fitness industry is taking the world by storm.

Full-body strengthening will fire up your core

Thanks to its boom, a lot of people have developed an obsession with working out. No wonder the gyms are packed even though a world pandemic is at play We all have fat deposited in various parts of our bodies. However, most of us do not like where these fat deposits, especially if it is in the belly, arms, or thighs.

Like belly fat, thigh fat too bugs most people Are you scrambling to find some leg-slimming exercises to help you achieve the slim thighs and toned legs of your dreams? Did you fall off your healthy eating and workout routine while in quarantine? Or maybe you want To get stronger joints2. To have a strong core3. Keep you engaged4.


They can be done anywhere5. They help you get better elsewhere6. Squats vs LungesWhat are the benefits of Squats? What are Lunges good for? Squats vs Lunges, which is better? Exercises and their effectsWhat muscles do jump squats involve?