All joints are immediately compromised as your muscles and joints work to control the added weight positioned at the lower end of your leg. Wearing weights at your ankles will make the workout more intense which burns more calories. But are the injury risks worth the extra calorie burn? There are safer ways to increase intensity to an aerobic workout.
Thanks for this post. I have been using ankle weights for, as you say, increased calorie burn. I had thought that since I was on a flat terrain, the risk would be lowered. I can see the concern that these weights can cause damage so I will stop using them.
BUT I wish it were not so! To be honest, I like the results I am seeing.
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As a stay at home mom of 4—1 in college, 3 still at home—plus assisting my newly moved in with us in-laws AND assisting with my Grandmother in a local nursing home and finally, caring for a hubby with a chronic illness, I am SO stretched for time! But how will I be able to add strength training too??? Using the stretch band in mile 4 is a great thing—but is it enough? I wish I had more hours in my day, but I know I get 24 like everyone else—no matter how many times I ask for more Well, again, thanks for this post. I will see what i can do! I have lost about 40 pounds over 3 years! Slow and steady wins this race—I need to put that up somewhere!
I had to come on and let you know how fantastic I think you are. I even tell people I want them as presents. Thank you for that. Leslie, I just have to tell you how fantastic you are. I am so glad I discovered you. On a serious note, you really have been an inspiration to me.
Get Rid of Cankles for Good With These 7 Methods
Not only in the sense your words give me the boost I need to work hard and keep going, you also have a beautiful way of bringing spiritualism into your workouts and I love that. It lifts me.

You may not know just how much sometimes. I had to tell you that. The battle continues but I know that through my faith and through good people such as yourself I will get there. Good luck!
New technique promises to banish chunky ankles in 15 minutes
Thanks for the suggestions Kelly! If you're carrying around excess fat, chances are that some of it has also accumulated around your ankles. For you, running is probably not going to result in a thicker ankle area. Instead, you'll probably lose overall body fat -- including fat around your ankles -- as a result of running. If you are relatively thin, don't expect to see a marked change in the thickness of your ankles from running, either. It is true that weight-bearing exercise, including running, can help you build bone.
Can Running Give You Thicker Ankles? | Live Healthy -
However, it's the density of the tissue in your bones that can change and typically not the outer thickness of the bone itself. By your mids, you've already built all the bone mass you're going to have throughout your life. The bottom line -- to lose ankle thickness, maintain a regular running routine or do other types of calorie-burning exercise that leads to fat loss.
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To gain ankle girth, you could do the opposite and try to gain weight by consuming more calories than your body requires. Another option is to try building up the muscles closest to the ankle.
From This Episode:
Calf raises and calf presses on a sled press are two of the exercises that help to build the soleus muscle, which runs just behind the Achilles tendon. Nicole Vulcan has been a journalist since , covering parenting and fitness for The Oregonian, careers for CareerAddict, and travel, gardening and fitness for Black Hills Woman and other publications. She's also a lifelong athlete and is pursuing certification as a personal trainer.