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Over the years, studies about cinnamon and weight loss have yielded mixed results. But some research shows that supplementing your diet with cinnamon pills might help you lose weight. According to a research review published in February in the journal Clinical Nutrition , people who took at least 2 grams a day of cinnamon in supplement form saw improvements in their body weight, waist circumference and fat mass, whereas those who took placebo pills did not.
The researchers also noted that cinnamon can delay gastric emptying , or the time it takes for food to travel through a person's stomach. It's thought that a slow gastric emptying rate can help people feel fuller, longer, and therefore help them lose weight. Plus, she says, cinnamon can make food and drinks more flavorful — no added sugar necessary.
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Food and Drug Administration as strictly as medications, so there's no guarantee of the product's quality. Much of the research on cinnamon and weight loss has been done with cinnamon pills.