There can be multiple reasons for that. Having an unhealthy lifestyle that includes irregular sleeping patterns, poor diet, stress, etc.

But if you start following a regular and healthy exercise routine along with managing your sleep hours, a large part of the problem can be solved. However, to make all these factors effective, there are some foods that you should definitely add to your diet if you are not eating them already.
These foods will help you get rid of the stubborn belly fat effectively. Garlic is not just the best flavour added to food but it is also one of the best natural medicines. Recent studies have shown that due to the presence of allicin, a fat-fighting compound in garlic, the stomach not only digests better but also keeps the fat from lodging on the stomach. The same compound gives the taste and the pungent smell to garlic. Not just a creamy heaven but yoghurt can also help you build muscles.
It is super rich in protein and has about 10 gms of protein in gms of a yoghurt cup. Adding more protein to your diet rather than fat can also help burn the fat tissues that are collected around the belly region.
Matcha Tea
With the calcium and Vitamin D present in it, Yoghurt can also help in reducing cortisol, a stress hormone that allows the fat to cling on to the belly. Green tea, along with giving a boost to the metabolism, is also rich in EGCG epigallocatechin gallate , an antioxidant compound that prohibits the fat from forming in the body. Adding green tea to your diet along with a great workout can show amazing results. Also, keep in mind to use green tea leaves as the tea-bags are made with tea leaves that are drained out of their nutrition.
Different berries such as strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc.
7 Foods that Burn Belly Fat
These also prevent it from forming in the first place. A good amount of berries in a day can also boost your blood flow and can also make it clean. You can have berries in the form of smoothies or as it is. Dark chocolate is not only the best kind of chocolate but it also has many health-related benefits.
According to some studies, it has been found that dark chocolate is rich in compounds that the gut microbes present in our stomach react with chocolate and ferment it. This results in the production of gut-healthy polyphenols along with butyrate, a fatty acid that helps the body in burning fat as fuel. This causes the body to lose more fat eventually.
Black Beans
However, it is important to keep the portion of your dark chocolate in check. Back to Top. Select a City Close. Your current city: Mumbai Mumbai search close. All Bombay Times print stories are available on. We serve personalized stories based on the selected city OK. Go to TOI. The Times of India. Men share the non-physical traits they find most attractive in women.
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Does your partner help you grow or just fits in your old life? Bollywood couples with the best love stories. Red meats just happen to be some of the best sources of this potent amino acid. Always pick grass-fed meats to get the added benefits of omega-3s and conjugated linoleic acids CLA , as these two fats can decrease inflammation and fat storage.
At the same time cayenne pepper torches your tongue, it also incinerates the fat cells in your tummy. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating capsaicin, the main compound in the fiery pepper that lends it its heat, speeds up abdominal fat loss by boosting the body's ability to convert food into energy. Consider these bumpy red berries your new natural weight loss pill. Raspberries are jam-packed with fiber and water, which help you feel full.
And just like other berries, raspberries are brimming with polyphenols, powerful plant chemicals that have been shown to whittle your middle. Throw them onto your morning oatmeal or pop them as a snack to reap their benefits. One of the juiciest joys of fall is the plethora of apple species we can find at the local grocery store.
Whether you go for the Granny Smith or always pick the Pink Lady apples, this crunchy fruit has been proven to trim excess fat. Just don't forget to bite into one with the skin on!
How to lose belly fat
Apple peels contain a compound called ursolic acid , which can increase muscle mass and brown fat, the good kind of fat that helps melt your midsection. While grapes contain more sugar than most of our favorite low-carb fruits , they also pack in some unexpected flab-fighting benefits. A Washington State University study discovered that resveratrol, an antioxidant found in grapes, converted the excess white fat into calorie-burning beige fat, decreasing obesity by 40 percent! And all you need is just three servings of resveratrol a day.
Luckily, grapes aren't the only source: apples and berries contain the fat-fighter too! Go ahead and pour yourself another glass of red. Just make sure you're sipping on Malbec, Petite Sirah, St. Laurent or Pinot Noir, as these vinos have the highest content of waist-whittling resveratrol. Although a five-ounce glass of merlot packs in just calories, imbibing too much can rack up the calories and leave you hungover and craving a greasy egg sandwich which we all know wouldn't work wonders on your weight loss goals. Let's face it, kale is completely overrated.
But dinosaur kale, a. Dinosaur kale's blue-green leaves are less bitter and more tender than the regular kind, but boast the same flat belly properties, like filling fiber, protein, and B vitamins that can help you get rid of the gut. It seems like green tea has a bit of competition when it comes to shedding the beer belly. According to a study published in the journal Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism , white tea both blocks the formation of new fat cells and boosts lipolysis, the breakdown of fat. What's more, white tea contains catechins, natural antioxidants that protect your body from harming free radicals and confidence-dampening belly fat.
Sneaking pepitas into some of your favorite foods is one of the best ways to increase protein intake. Not only do roasted pumpkin seeds contain eight grams of protein per ounce, they're also packed with fiber, zinc, and potassium—key nutrients needed for muscle building and recovery. Remember, the more muscle you have, the less fat your body will hold on to.
If you've never heard of this fermented Chinese tea, it's time to add it to your a. A study in the journal Phytotherapy Research found that feeding obese mice a high-fat diet coupled with pu-erh tea extract decreased their total body weight and cholesterol levels. These bite-sized berries are as mighty as they are tiny. In a study in the Journal of Medicinal Food , blueberries were shown to reduce abdominal fat, triglycerides, and total body weight.
A review in the journal Nutrients also noted blueberry consumption is inversely related to obesity. Next time you're making a yogurt parfait, don't forget to toss in some blueberries! If you like to start your day with oatmeal, we're definitely commending you.
Lose Your Gut: 50 Foods That Help Melt Belly Fat | Eat This, Not That!
But you're better off getting introduced to oat bran, oatmeal's overachieving cousin. Oat bran boasts even more protein and fiber—6 grams of protein and fiber each per calories—which means you'll feel fuller for longer , and avoid the soft, tempting whispers of office donuts lurking around. Pickles are filled with water, vinegar, and fiber, and barely any calories! In fact, just one cup of the pickled cucumbers pack in two grams of fiber for only 16 calories. Not to mention, studies show that acidic foods like vinegar help increase the body's carb-burning rate by up to 40 percent.
Once your body burns off carbs, it moves onto torching fat, which can help you finally rock your skinny jeans muffin top-free. To get the most nutritional bang for your buck, freshly grind your flaxseeds right before using them. Just one tablespoon has about 2. Flaxseeds are also rich in fiber, which can help you lose your gut.
A Annals of Internal Medicine study found that by increasing the amount of fiber you eat each day to 30 grams while keeping calories the same, you can lose weight, lower blood pressure, and improve your body's insulin response.