Does Biotin make you gain weight? —
High doses of biotin may help people with high triglycerides, blood glucose levels and insulin insensitivity. But evidence does not support use of biotin for weight loss. Healthy people who eat a well-balanced diet rarely develop a biotin deficiency. Smokers, people who take certain types of medications and those who eat lots of raw eggs are at greater risk for developing a biotin deficiency.
Some genetic conditions reduce a person's ability to absorb dietary biotin, but these are detected early in life.
Does anyone use Biotin to help you lose weight?
Adults need 30 micrograms a day of biotin. Biotin is available in a number of foods including whole grains like whole-wheat bread, nuts, fish, pork, fruits and vegetables, and cooked eggs. The body turns excess calories into fat. The first key step in the process uses an enzyme that contains biotin. The enzyme is called acetyl-coA carboxylase, or ACC. Decreased ACC enzyme activity may result in reduced synthesis of fat for storage as triglyceride and greater use of fat as an energy source, according to the results of a mouse study published in in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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Biotin is also needed by enzymes that break down amino acids. An enzyme that makes new glucose to maintain blood sugar levels when you need energy but do not have enough dietary carbohydrate available also requires biotin.
However, evidence does not support the use of dietary or supplemental biotin to help with weight loss. Overweight and obesity are associated with elevated triglycerides -- fat -- and LDL -- the "bad cholesterol" -- both of which are risk factors for heart disease. High doses of biotin combined with chromium resulted in reduced triglyceride levels in a subset of diabetic patients, according to a research study published in Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics in In in the journal Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, researchers demonstrated that nondiabetic and diabetic participants with high triglycerides at the start of the study had lower triglycerides and a precursor to LDL called VLDL after taking biotin.
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Still, at this time, biotin is not a recommended treatment for high cholesterol or high triglycerides. Discuss health-related concerns and supplement use with your health care provider. Obesity and high blood sugar are modifiable factors that increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Biotin helps t Ron Jones answered. Not familiar with that use. Stay between 20 to 30 units a day and you will be ok.

Biotin deficiency is very rare. View 2 more answers.
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Ed Friedlander answered. Anecdotal: But i'm impressed with what i've read, at least about acne flares. If you're taking it "for your hair" and i can't guarantee it , you're welcome to s Forrest Jones answered. Need more info: I doubt that biotin, a vitamin, causes weight gain. There is a possibility though, at least theoretical, that some component in the purchased product View 1 more answer.
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Fast Facts: Biotin and Weight Loss
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