Myths about weight loss supplements
In fact, the FDA recently released. Their investigation is ongoing. Though it may be useful in gaining more muscle and losing fat, Sandquist notes, diet and exercise can accomplish the same thing. June 10, Save Pin ellipsis More. Credit: Getty Images. Everyone is looking for a magic diet pill. Here are six myths about weight-loss supplements and the truth behind them. Start Slideshow. What is a weight loss supplement?
Some examples are: St. These include: Hydroxycut Orlistat, or Alli Meratrim The biggest and most significant difference between dietary supplements and nonprescription drugs is the regulatory methods used. Close Font Resize. Keyboard navigation. Readable Font. Underline links.
Harmful Effects of Diet Pills and Supplements [Important facts]
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Diet Pill Abuse, Addiction and Treatment - Addiction Center
The pressure to be thin and tiny keeps forcing young women to reach for unhealthy ways to fit these standards. However, a diet pill overdose is similar to cocaine or meth overdose, which often leads to heart failure and death.
Like other highly addictive drugs, when people quit diet pills cold-turkey, they often experience withdrawal symptoms. Diet pill withdrawal symptoms begin just six hours after the last dose, people begin to experience withdrawal symptoms like depression, brain fog, muscle aches, and irritability. They also experience cravings for other drugs or substances. Not to mention, over time, they experience weight gain, which might trigger other psychological symptoms.
Diet pills addiction case short and long-term effects on your health. These pills increase heart rate and blood pressure, leading to strokes, heart attacks, and seizures. Diet pills can also lead to liver injury, which eventually can lead to permanent liver damage. What makes diet pills addiction so challenging to diagnose is that people are also struggling with an undiagnosed mental illness. Those struggling with anorexia, bulimia, body dysmorphic disorder, and low self-esteem turn to diet pills in the hopes of fixing their bodies.
In the end, they fall for an abusive pattern that takes them to experiment with other substances like alcohol, cocaine, meth, and other drugs that help them feel better. The diet industry is a multi-billion dollar business. Then, the media and our society continue to push body standards that are frequently unhealthy. For decades, people of all ages abuse diet pills to achieve a perfect body image, get more energy and fight cravings.
However, when we look at diet pills addiction statistics, we realize the importance of building a positive body image, working on mental health, and talking about the importance of having a healthy body instead of a thin one. Addiction to diet pills is highly prevalent, but those ready to break the addiction cycle can find hope in treatment. When people experience withdrawal symptoms, they go back to taking it even more to control their symptoms. At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, our eating disorders treatment options include:.
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If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, seek help immediately. Call Lighthouse Recovery Institute today and speak with our addiction center specialists and medical professionals to learn more about our comprehensive and personalized addiction treatment programs. Our philosophy revolves around treating each patient on a case-by-case scenario because we know no two addiction stories are alike.
Fact check: do diet pills work?
Email Address. This role model that you could potentially call or tap into for support in the early days of recovery is perhaps one of the most influencing individuals in the For anyone recovering from alcohol use disorder, the Alcoholics Anonymous AA steps are the basic framework of long-term recovery.

Everyone thinks it's relatively easy to recognize a drug addict. Although the reality is quite different.