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Would you try it, what are your thoughts? Girls I know it seems like a sweet deal, getting drunk from a tampon but believe me, there are strings attached! Share Facebook. The "slimming" fad: Girls insert alcohol drenched tampons to get drunk, your thoughts? Add Opinion. Well, inserting even minor amounts of hard alcohol into one's digestive tract from the wrong end can cause oneself to be intoxicated, half of one's normal maximum usually ends up deadly.
Of course, that's not the orifice you're talking about. It still shows how potent such things can be and if alcohol can be absorbed in there as well and go directly into the blood stream, well, that sounds both stupid and smart. Also, on the second paragraph you wrote - I'm sure they know there's strings attached, it's a tampon after all :P. Patrickjv Yoda. Shit now I want a vagina to try this.
Wonder if it works in the other hole. It does because they're both mucus membranes. You don't put it in your vagina. Try dribbling some in your eye. Any woman would know this, instantly. It's other drugs that you can administer vaginally.
The "slimming" fad: Girls insert alcohol drenched tampons to get drunk, your thoughts?
Think in terms of hallucinogens and things in the amphetamine family. Alcohol can be administered rectally, but it's dangerous. PrinceyPru Xper 5. BIG NO. That seems stupid af and like it would give you toxic shock syndrome. TSS, yeast infection, the list goes on. Show All Show Less. Blepp there's always 1 guy who has to chime in. Yeah, I don't know why but it always happens. Oh please, I have no interest in anyone on here. Sign Up Now! Sort Girls First Guys First. WalterRadio Guru. I doubt one could absorb enough alcohol that way to get drunk, but if one could, if the alcohol is in the bloodstream, it gets metabolized, which means it carries calories.
I would think it would kill the good bacteria in the vagina, allowing all kinds of nasties to grow in there. This was a thing when I was in high school and they had to actually hold assemblies warning against doing it.
Stick A Vodka-Soaked Tampon Up Your Vagina, Get Drunk
OMG for real? That's kinda risky for the girls vagina since alcohol dries the cells and the vagina should be moist all the time. I'm not a gynecologist but that would definitely mess up the vagina PH levels and might lead to other health complications. The most ridiculous, idiotic thing I've heard. You need help if you do this. Not long after the first time I did it, another guy I know did it. Twenty-three-year-old Kate Stone of SqueamishBikini.
Even when I was a teen, I never knew about all these crazy things we were apparently getting up to until the news told me so. She said she has not done it before but some of her friends from small towns know people who had done it as teens. But some have also reacted with shock. For the most part, however, social media has been pretty quiet on the issue.
Only a few examples of people talking about the practice can be found. A YouTube video posted by a user in the United Kingdom on July shows what looks like a party where several teens appear to test out the alcohol tampon idea though one cannot be sure as the actual attempt is not shown. Also, a Facebook topic has a comment left over a year ago by a young woman in Canada who says she tried it. The practice is called slimming in the United States, where the trend started, according to a German newspaper report in March of this year.
The story mentions an account of a girl who collapsed during a street festival, supposedly intoxicated from a vodka-soaked tampon. But the burning sensation remains.
The frequent slimmer might as well beg for a yeast infection. Our curated collection of books, candles, apparel and more is perfect for reading by the fire, getting in the holiday spirit, and nourishing the soul. The perfect gift selections for you and yours await at ShopCatalog. Just follow her on Facebook!
Teens using tampons to get drunk | WJAR
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Several deep breaths later, the thing is lodged inside me. Cozy Holiday Gifts Our curated collection of books, candles, apparel and more is perfect for reading by the fire, getting in the holiday spirit, and nourishing the soul. More From Thought Catalog.