Your body burns either fat or carbs depending on the intensity of your activity. But when it comes to losing weight, calories are calories.

Yet, a lot of misunderstanding prevails. The Truth: What has often been misunderstood by both exercisers and exercise instructors alike is that the body relies on both fat and carbs for energy all the time, albeit in different ratios. In fact, as you sit here reading, you may be burning about percent fat and percent carbohydrates.
How to Burn Fat by Running: 14 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
If you were to get up and start jogging in place, your body would need to supply you with some quick energy to do so, so the metabolism ratio might shift to drawing upon more carbohydrates, say 70 percent, and less fat, say 30 percent. If you were to continue jogging, then, in order to preserve the carbs which can run out since you have limited stores in the body , your body would gradually shift its metabolism ratio again to say, 60 percent fat and 40 percent carbohydrates.
From an energy efficiency point of view, it pays to be fit. The endurance athlete would be able to make the shift sooner, and his fat-burning percentage might be percent. For the most part, athletes are often leaner not because they might rely on slightly more fat for fuel, but because they practice their sport two to three, or more, hours a day — this burns a lot of calories.
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If you had the time, energy, and fitness level to work out three hours a day, being overweight would probably not be an issue. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than your body consumes and uses every day. Exercise is one main way to burn a lot of calories.
6 Ways to Burn More Calories on the Treadmill
But when it comes to weight loss, what matters is how many calories you burn, not so much whether they are fat or carbohydrate calories. Myth: Exercise done at a low intensity, such as walking, is better at fat burning than other high-intensity activities, like running or cardio activities where you push yourself very hard. You burn fat ideally while running at a pace where you would be able to maintain a full conversation.
According to experts, this should be a pace that you would theoretically be able to maintain for up to 8 hours, i. A slow, low-intensity run uses more fat for fuel but takes longer to burn a lot of calories in total.
Do I really have to run 30 minutes to burn fat?
However, a faster, high-intensity run can burn more calories in a shorter time period. And even if just a small percentage of those calories come from fat, it can still significantly boost your weight loss! Plus, you can benefit from losing body fat even after your run as your body keeps burning fat for 2 to 3 hours after finishing a run.
If you want to shed a few pounds, make sure you only ingest liquids and maybe a little protein during that time frame. High-intensity training pushes our heart rate up until we reach the anaerobic zone.
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However, due to the intense exercise, the total calorie consumption is higher. The body needs more energy for recovery, thereby burning even more calories. On the other hand, intense interval training challenges your muscles even more. Your can determine your individual, ideal workout intensity through a lactate test. Thanks for your good rating — we are happy that you like this article.