The point of the clever ad is clear: Americans want a quick fix when it comes to everything, and that includes physical fitness. As the much-anticipated spring thaw sets in, many suburban dwellers are choosing running as a way to quickly trim off pounds and create a lean silhouette.
Essential Guide to Running For Weight Loss | MapMyRun
They pack the trails of area parks and forest preserves, their breath forming white clouds before them on cold mornings as they huff and puff through their exercise routines. According to those who specialize in exercise physiology and nutrition, the answer is no.
While running is a very effective way to shed pounds, this transformation takes place over time and requires patience. Davis added that a one-mile run, which takes a new runner 10 minutes, does little for weight loss or cardiovascular health, though it's a positive start. Statistics from the Weight Loss Control Registry, a research group that studies people who have successfully lost weight and maintained their weight loss, point to the need to consistently burn 2, calories through exercise each week in order to successfully lose weight.
Rather than fast, exhausting runs, weight loss at this level requires longer, slower runs -- about 25 to 30 minutes -- spaced three or four times throughout the week.

In other words, a longer run at a slower pace will burn more calories than a short run at a faster pace. Starting weight also plays a substantial role in how many calories are burned during a run, according to research from Elizabeth Sadler of Vanderbilt University. For example, a pound man who goes for a two-mile run will burn about calories, while a pound woman will only burn In order to lose a pound, the body needs to burn about 3, calories.
A pound person running for five miles each day will lose around five pounds per month.
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However, as runners lose weight, they begin to burn fewer calories per mile and weight loss begins to stabilize. For an effective hill workout, run up at least five or six hills that are yards long or more. For a stair workout, try running up stadium steps at your local track and jogging down slowly to allow yourself time to recover.
How to Jog Properly to Lose Weight
Hill and stair workouts not only burn extra calories, but also help strengthen your legs to help you run faster. If you experience any sharp or persistent pain while running, stop and rest.
If you are having chest pains or the pain does not subside with rest, see your doctor. Fitness Training Running. Aubrey Bailey is a Doctor of Physical Therapy with an additional degree in psychology and board certification in hand therapy. Bailey is also an Anatomy and Physiology professor. Jody Braverman is a professional writer and editor based in Atlanta, GA. She received a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Maryland, and she is a certified personal trainer, fitness nutrition specialist, and yoga teacher.
She has written for various online and print publications, including Livestrong. Visit the writer at www.
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Connect on LinkedIn. Jogging is a great way to burn calories. Although the American Council of Exercise offers recommendations of the approximate caloric cost of running per minute based on speed, keep in mind that your calorie burn may differ depending on your age, body weight, and general activity level.
A better strategy is to set a weight-loss goal and combine running and strength training completed by diet changes. The program that makes you want to keep going. Adding in these high-intensity interval training HIIT runs offers variety to your running program, and they save you time on those days when your schedule might be a little more hectic. Adding in a couple days of strength training can pay off in spades for runners.
10 Running Tips for Beginners to Lose Weight
There are two strength-training sessions scheduled during each eight-day cycle in our 8-Week Running for Weight-Loss Program. And by doing resistance training regularly, you can cut your overall risk of injury. Matt Fitzgerald is an endurance sports coach, nutritionist, and author. Follow him on Twitter.
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Here's what you nee Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis is a way to burn calories for fat loss that often gets overlooked.