The oil helps to remove toxin buildup from the body, increases your energy level and supports healthy digestion. Research shows that breathing in the scent of lemon essential oil boosts your mood and promotes the breakdown of body fat. You can diffuse drops of lemon oil into your humidifier for maximum benefits.
Lavender oil is an excellent stress reliever, eases tension and helps to get some quality sleep at night. All these things can prove beneficial when trying to shed kilos and reduce your craving for unhealthy food items. You can rub drops of lavender essential oil on your hand and sniff it. You can also put two or three drops of this essential oil on your temples, wrists, and the back of your neck before bedtime. Peppermint oil not only helps you boost energy but also soothes your sore muscles and reduces recovery time. Smelling peppermint oil can also suppress your craving for unhealthy food items and makes you feel fuller.
Add four to five drops of peppermint oil in your bathwater for a soothing effect. Grapefruit essential oil helps to break down body fat and increase your metabolism. Massaging your stomach with grapefruit essential oil may help reduce belly fat and waist circumference, revealed a study. The oil also regulates heart rate, improves the digestion process, and helps to reduce appetite.
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Ginger oil reduces inflammation, stress, craving for sugary stuff and supports digestion. This oil also acts as a thermogenic that means it can help to burn fat and boost your metabolism.
Add two or three drops of ginger oil in your warm water bath or inhale directly from the bottle. Please Click Here to subscribe other newsletters that may interest you, and you'll always find stories you want to read in your inbox. Back to Top. Select a City Close. Your current city: Mumbai Mumbai search close.
The 8 BEST Essential Oils for Weight Loss
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Sit in some sap while on your great-outdoors getaway? Combine a drop of Lemon with a drop of V-6 and work it into that sticky spot. Add a splash of citrus to your favorite vinaigrette or a burst of lemon to your famous baked oatmeal. Convince your kids to eat the sliced apples in their school lunch by tossing them in 2 drops of Lemon Vitality essential oil. Lemon Vitality provides powerful antioxidants and will also help keep those vitamin-packed wedges from turning brown.
21 Lemon Essential Oil Uses | Young Living Blog
Boost your motivation and your morning smoothie with a drop each of Lemon Vitality and Grapefruit Vitality. This dynamic duo supports your immune system and may help support your weight-loss regimen. Meet your midday slump with a tall glass of water infused with a couple drops of invigorating citrus flavor. This calorie-free pick-me-up will brighten your day and bring a little sunshine into even the most windowless cubicle. Grapefruit has skin-cleansing superpowers , Bergamot oil is a blends rock star , and Orange helps you smile from the inside out!
View Larger Image. Cheerful aromatic. Skin care superstar. Cleaning wonder. Best food friend BFF. Share in the comments! Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Diffuse 10 to 20 drops of lime essential oil when the insatiable desire to eat nonstop rears its ugly head. Turmeric essential oil is an agent of weight loss, especially in individuals with metabolic diseases. An increased level of adiponectin occurs when your body is working to evict that stubborn tenant we call unwanted body fat. To learn more, here is our favorite organic turmeric essential oil.
How to Use:. Burn fat with a cup of turmeric-ginger tea in the mornings. Add a few slices of ginger rhizomes can be grated into a cup of hot water. In a small container, add 10 ml of honey or as preferred. To your honey, add 2 drops of turmeric essential oil and combine well. Pour the honey-essential oil mixture into the hot water. Drink daily. Do not ingest turmeric oil if you are on diabetic medication as these could likely interact.
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Peppermint essential oil is a superb choice for weight loss due to its appetite suppressant properties, and its effect on exercise performance. Peppermint is not just for Christmas anymore! This oil naturally suppresses your appetite to keep you from overeating. It also helps to keep bloating and indigestion at bay. Peppermint oil is perfect for people trying to improve their digestive health. The strong, minty scent of peppermint oil rejuvenates and revives the mind to keep you alert and attentive. Tired of aching all over because of those exercise sessions?
Peppermint oil is your trusted pain killer. The oil is naturally cooling, so use to soothe tense, sore muscles. You may also use peppermint to warm up before working out. To learn more, here is our favorite peppermint essential oil.
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Bergamot essential oil has mood-enhancing properties. Use bergamot oil on those days when you feel defeated or unmotivated. This citrusy, floral oil increases stamina and well-being, preventing problems like emotional eating and skipping workouts. As a tremendous essential oil for weight loss, bergamot oil showed positive effects on body weight when used in a study. Daily use of the citrusy extract not only decreased Body Mass Index but glucose levels, which contributes to weight gain if not controlled.