You see progress and approach your goal faster, and that success is highly motivating. Not only that, but there are some seriously positive health benefits to losing 20 pounds. Studies consistently show that if you have problems with high blood pressure, blood sugar or cholesterol, losing just 5 to 10 percent of your body weight can significantly improve your numbers. So how can you lose 20 pounds and keep them off?
The key to weight loss that lasts is to make changes in your life that you can live with.
- Managing Weight to Control High Blood Pressure | American Heart Association.
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- How To Lose 10 Pounds.
- High blood pressure: Weight loss for hypertension - how much should you lose? |
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Here are several ways to set yourself up for success:. Make food decisions in advance.
A few great reasons to manage your weight:
We face more than food decisions every day. So make as many choices as you can ahead of time:.
Include a fruit or vegetable at every meal and snack. Studies show that people who eat more fruits and vegetables are more successful at taking weight off and keeping it off. Five a day is the minimum; more is better. Some tips:. Become a dessert snob. Instead of automatically eating that store-bought birthday cake in the break room, ask yourself: Is that really how I want to use my treat calories today?
Be selective — hold out for the good stuff. Be a smart shopper. Read food labels when you shop and stick to your healthy-eating plan when you're dining out, too.
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Whether you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, or are concerned because you have that you could soon have high blood pressure, adopt a heart healthy lifestyle now! This will lower your blood pressure, prevent the development of high blood pressure, enhance the effectiveness of medications if you are taking them, and lower your risk of heart attack, heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease! Start now! Freestanding Emergency Department. Being overweight also can cause disrupted breathing while you sleep sleep apnea , which further raises your blood pressure.
10 Reasons to Lose Just 10
Weight loss is one of the most effective lifestyle changes for controlling blood pressure. Losing just 10 pounds 4. People who are slowly gaining weight can either gradually increase the level of physical activity toward the equivalent of minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity , or reduce caloric intake, or both, until their weight is stable. The two essentials to maintaining a healthy weight are: Moving Often Eating well 2. Move Often!
14 Unbelievable Benefits of Losing Weight - Even Pounds
Even moderately intense physical activity, such as brisk walking, is beneficial when done regularly for a total of 30 minutes or longer at least 5 days a week. Regular physical activity can lower your blood pressure by 4 to 9 millimeters of mercury mm Hg.

It's important to be consistent because if you stop exercising, your blood pressure can rise again. If you have slightly high blood pressure prehypertension , exercise can help you avoid developing full-blown hypertension. If you already have hypertension, regular physical activity can bring your blood pressure down to safer levels. The best types of exercise for lowering blood pressure include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming or dancing.
Strength training also can help.
Talk to your doctor about developing an exercise program. Eat Healthy! You feel that all of your hard work is starting to pay off and you might find yourself empowered and more motivated to keep losing. But when you lose 10 pounds, there is more than just a motivational boost that your body benefits from. Losing 10 pounds can actually have multiple benefits on your health, your body, and your mind, which you may not realise…. Your heart is by far the hardest working muscle in the body and extra weight makes it work even harder.
Can weight loss lower high blood pressure?
Losing just 10 pounds can support regular blood pressure and support healthy cholesterol levels. If your cholesterol is high, by losing 10 pounds you can put yourself on a path to healthier cholesterol levels and a healthier life. According to the Institute For Quality and Efficiency In Health Care IQWiG , losing about 9 pounds on average dropped systolic blood pressure four and a half points on average and diastolic pressure by three points on average.
This could be because losing 10 pounds dramatically cuts the collection of fat in and around your liver. Gary Whitlock and a team of scientist at Oxford University found that weighing a third more than your optimal weight can shorten your lifespan an average of three years! Other evidence and studies found that severe obesity can shorten your lifespan by an average of ten years.