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Is at-home ear seed acupuncture actually legit? | Well+Good
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Weight Loss Ear Seeds Kit
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Bad Science Lends a Friendly Ear to Ear Seeds
Weight loss: Press these 4 acupressure points daily to lose weight Share this on: Facebook Twitter Pintrest. Count: We have sent you a verification email. To verify, just follow the link in the message. Weight loss: Press these 4 acupressure points daily to lose weight. Updated: Aug 13, , IST. Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing method which focuses on putting pressure with fingers on particular pressure points all over the body. From tension headaches, nausea, backache to sleep problems, this traditional Chinese therapy is known to heal a variety of physical and mental ailments.
Also See: Weight Loss: Why women should not fast for more than 14 hours and other truths about intermittent fasting revealed. Zodiac signs who make the worst bosses Some people make great leaders but some just can't make the cut. Visual Stories Right arrow. Entertainment 10 promising Malayalam actors you should follow. Comments 0. Be the first one to comment.
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Read All Comments Post a Comment. Health-Fitness 5 fatty foods that are great for weight loss UK health authorities roll out COVID vaccines, becoming first country to begin immunization program Nutritionist Sahiba Bhardwaj shares tips on acing your New Year's health-related resolutions Dumbbell shoulder workout Medicine ball core circuit workout How does COVID impact your lungs? With interest in wellness surging, ear seeding is the latest trend popping up all over social media.
The practice, which has been around for years, is seeing a resurgence now in the era of Instagram. It is a form of auriculotherapy, or ear acupressure, where a seed is used to help stimulate pressure points in the ear. The seeds, made of magnets or vaccaria flower seeds, are often covered in gold or crystal, making both a subtle fashion and health statement.
Like acupuncture and reflexology, the seeds purportedly stimulate relaxation, helping with anxiety and spiritual healing. A post shared by Samantha Manka-Segal L. Ac aqu.
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But is the hype actually real? Though there are claims of health benefits, the science does not back up the hype. Ear seeding, a form of auriculotherapy, draws inspiration from the ancient Chinese tradition of acupuncture and acupressure, according to the US National Library of Medicine. Its goal is to stimulate the reflex centers of the brain to relax the nervous system. French neurologist Paul Nogier was among the first to map the ear in the s, according to the journal of Medical Acupuncture , and determined that each part of the ear affected a corresponding part of the body.
The seeds, a magnet or vaccaria flower seed, are non-invasive and placed on top of the skin at pressure points. The treatment is available in specialized spas, clinics and salons and kits are also sold to do it yourself at home.
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Through this process, ear seeds claim to help with both physical and spiritual healing. Some say that ear seeding has helped them with stress and anxiety levels, muscular discomfort or made them feel "grounded. Mary Schamber tried ear seeding for the first time after a recommendation from her acupuncturist and said she felt a difference in terms of her stress levels.

Overall, acupuncturists say that the process is non-invasive and can be a good choice for someone interested in trying acupuncture but who has reservations about big needles.