Women with PCOS have a hormonal imbalance, which causes problems with the way they metabolize food, and therefore, affects their ability to lose weight. But before we dive into the best ways to lose weight with PCOS, it's important to know what the condition exactly is. It's a constellation of symptoms," says Rekha B. And because PCOS affects many hormones example: estrogen that are responsible for a variety of bodily functions, women with PCOS may also find it hard to become pregnant.
PCOS is actually the leading cause of infertility in women because the condition may cause women to stop ovulating.

Kumar says women are diagnosed with PCOS if they meet two out of the three classic symptoms of the condition. These symptoms include having an irregular menstrual cycle , experiencing ovulatory dysfunction, showing signs of hyperandrogenism , and developing cysts in the ovaries. However, it's important to note that you don't necessarily have to have cysts in your ovaries to have PCOS. According to the U.
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Insulin resistance is a condition in which you're not processing carbohydrates normally, which can interfere with weight regulation and cause fat storage," Dr. Kumar explains.
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- PCOS Diet and Nutrition Guidelines: How To Lose Weight with PCOS?
- 2. Exercise first, eat later..
Basically, your body doesn't respond to insulin properly or it takes more insulin to move glucose into cells. Many women with PCOS struggle to drop the pounds because the condition creates an imbalance in hunger hormones, causing blood sugar levels to spike and crash throughout the day. Kumar says. The good news is there are plenty of safe and effective ways to lose weight while improving your insulin resistance and keeping your symptoms under control.
Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and pasta, can cause your blood sugar to rise and fall quickly, making you only hungrier for more.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Then, their blood sugar crashes, causing a vicious cycle of eating and wanting more carbs," Dr. That means you should go for foods that are sources of complex carbs, such as vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and legumes. These better-for-you carbs take longer to digest because of their high-fiber content , helping to stabilize your blood sugar and keep you fuller longer.
Go for foods that are sources of complex carbs, such as vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and legumes. So the next time you're craving noodles, go for one of these low-carb pasta alternatives. Instead of white rice, choose the brown variety, quinoa , or farro. At the same time you want to avoid added sugars you'll find in many packaged foods, pre-made smoothies and meal replacement shakes.
And if you must use a sweetener, go light on honey or pure maple syrup. You already know that protein and fat are essential for satiety, so be sure you enjoy a little bit of both with every meal and snack.
Polycystic ovary syndrome - Treatment - NHS
Moreover, having plenty of healthy fats from avocados, fatty fish, and olive oil can also help curb hunger. While they might feel similar, cravings and hunger are completely different. Samuels explains that hunger is a more general feeling, while cravings are usually geared toward one specific food, texture, or taste. They can also be driven by feelings of boredom, loneliness, or anxiety," Samuels says. On the other hand, "hunger is a physiological response to the stomach being empty," Samuels notes.
If your stomach is rumbling, you have a headache or experience irritability, light-headedness, or nausea, or have trouble focusing, these are signs that you're hungry. Following a workout routine can help you stabilize blood sugar and reduce your risk for heart disease and diabetes—two conditions women with PCOS are at high risk for. Research suggests that more than half of women with PCOS will have diabetes or prediabetes before the age of Studies also show that there's a strong link between having PCOS and cardiovascular disease.
Be sure to incorporate cardio and strength training into your routine, alternating days between walking, running, or kickboxing with lifting weights or doing bodyweight exercises. Healthy fats can also keep you full, especially if you're trying to keep carbs to a minimum. Try adding calories of healthy fats to each meal, suggests Alisa Vitti, founder of integrative hormonal center Flo Living , like two tablespoons of olive oil or half an avocado per meal.
Women with PCOS may have less healthy gut bacteria than women without the condition, which may be another reason that they struggle with weight gain. Making efforts to add more healthy bacteria to your system could help. Even for women without PCOS, emerging studies suggest that adding probiotics to your diet can help with weight loss although more research is needed to know for sure what the benefits are of probiotics.
6 Best Ways to Lose Weight If You Have PCOS, According to Experts
Vitti suggests adding one fermented food which naturally contain bacteria that can be beneficial to gut health to your diet per day, as well as a probiotic. Studies have shown that increased caffeine intake can interfere in ovulation and increase stress hormones , which can lead to hormonal disorders. Cutting out caffeine is probably best, but it's totally understandable if that's not realistic. If you're craving something sweet, try having a piece of fruit that's also high in fiber to balance out the sugar content.
If you're regularly scarfing down a sandwich while driving and talking on the phone, and feeling too full later, you could probably benefit from being more mindful about your eating habits. Sitting down for specified meal times, eating slowly without distractions and truly savoring your food can help you be more in tune with your hunger levels, which is a simple way to practice portion control with your meals and avoid mindlessly overeating.
And with less overeating comes weight loss.
One the other hand, being hyper-focused on dieting and limiting your calories can also lead to overeating later on. Long-term calorie restriction can actually slow down your metabolism over time and modify the way your hormones operate, which is why you should never go below 1, calories per day in your effort to drop weight. Easier said than done, we know. C hronic stress can cause you to store more fat in your stomach area , so trying to control that stress—whether through deep breathing, meditation, yoga, sleep, or other self-care —is really beneficial if you're trying to lose weight.
These supplements also help improve metabolism , and myo-inositol specifically has been shown to help women with PCOS lose weight, due to its ability to help with insulin sensitivity.
Without further ado, the best ways to lose weight with PCOS:
Just remember to always speak with your doctor before adding any supplements to your routine to make sure they won't interfere with any other conditions you have or medications you take. One common side effect of PCOS is sleep apnea, which disrupts sleep. Lack of sleep causes weight to go up because it messes with hormones controlling hunger and fullness, says Dr.
Try to get at least seven hours of shut-eye per night, and talk to your doctor if you think you might be suffering from sleep apnea. Dumesic, which can make it even harder to lose weight. It's tough to work up the motivation to prepare healthy meals and work out if you're feeling happy, let alone if you're dealing with symptoms of depression—be gentle with yourself. If you think you might have symptoms of a mental health issue, check in with a mental health professional. Metformin, a medication used to regulate glucose levels and insulin sensitivity , can be prescribed if you're still having trouble keeping your weight in check or have prediabetes.
Metformin decreases the amount of sugar you absorb from foods and increases your sensitivity to insulin, to help keep your appetite in check. Other, more powerful drugs made specifically for weight loss may help too, if diet and exercise aren't working. Many of these weight-loss drugs , like a medication called Saxenda, are particularly well-suited for women with PCOS, since they're prescribed to people with higher levels of abdominal fat, says Dr. But keep in mind, these drugs are typically a last resort. They also come with a whole slew of side effects like nausea and diarrhea, and can be very dangerous for an unborn baby if you accidentally conceive while taking it.
The bottom line: While it is harder for women with PCOS to lose weight and maintain their weight, there are plenty of lifestyle changes and interventions you can try to successfully lose weight and keep it off. Weight Loss. United States. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. Grilled Fish Tacos Recipe.
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- How To Lose Weight With PCOS - 14 Strategies From Doctors?
Luis Alvarez Getty Images. Try a low-carb diet on for size, and up your protein.