Lose weight without really trying

It's important to be your own advocate and continue to ask the question "why" if you don't feel you have an adequate explanation. Ask for a second opinion if needed. Many of the conditions which can lead to unintentional weight loss are difficult to diagnose in the early stages, and sometimes a number of blood tests or imaging studies are needed to define the cause.

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There are many reasons for unexplained weight loss, some serious, and some more of a nuisance. In older adults over the age of 65 the most common cause is cancer, followed by gastrointestinal and psychiatric conditions. An overview of some causes include:. Depending on her findings, she may recommend further tests and radiology studies.

Be prepared to answer these questions:.

Blood tests your doctor orders will depend on many factors, including any symptoms you are having. Tests that are commonly done include:. Endoscopy procedures such as an upper GI endoscopy or colonoscopy can look for evidence of gastrointestinal causes of weight loss.

7 Tricks That Helped Me Lose Weight Without Trying

An echocardiogram can be thought of as an ultrasound of the heart, and is helpful in diagnosing many conditions, including infections present on the heart valves infectious endocarditis. Imaging tests that may be helpful include:. Unintentional weight loss is important not only in looking for an underlying cause but because of what it means in regards to health.

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Unintentional weight loss is linked with higher morbidity development of illnesses , a higher mortality higher death rate , and a lower quality of life for people suffering from many diseases. Given the high likelihood of an underlying cause of the weight loss, anyone who has experienced weight loss without trying should have a thorough history and physical performed, in addition to other needed studies. Some of the causes of unintentional weight loss are fairly uncommon, and this may require several visits to determine a cause.

Regardless of the cause, measures should be taken to treat the weight loss as well. When a cause is determined, the weight loss itself is sometimes pushed to the back burner. If this is you, make sure to talk to your doctor about how you should treat this symptom. For those who are diagnosed with cancer, a palliative care consultation should be considered.

Palliative care teams do an excellent job of addressing concerns not directly related to cancer for example, chemotherapy or radiation therapy such as unintentional weight loss. Treatment of weight loss can, in turn, help people tolerate treatments for whatever the condition is that has caused weight loss. Gas pain? Stool issues? Sign up for the best tips to take care of your stomach. Gaddy, H.

Unintentional Weight Loss in Older Adults. American Family Physician. Cleveland Clinic, "Unexplained Weight Loss".

Unexplained Weight Loss: Causes, Treatments

Wu, J. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Chen, S.

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Last year, I lost forty pounds by cleaning up my diet and exercising regularly. I thought it would be nice to tone up for my wedding. But what I really wanted was to stop feeling so physically and mentally terrible. Thinking of diet and exercise as a tool for weight loss seemed tortuous.

I refused to do workouts I hated just for the sake of working out. Instead, I discovered the type of exercise that makes me happiest: workout videos like Jillian Michaels for strength and running for cardio.

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So I stopped thinking in those terms. I focused on eating healthy portions of whole, unprocessed foods and getting regular exercise six days a week. I just enjoyed the slice of cake. By consistently sticking to a healthy diet with lots of fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats and making exercise a priority, it became unnecessary to obsess over every little calorie coming in and out.

When it comes to exercise, we always have a choice: View it as a vehicle for torture and watch as it becomes just that, or think of it as a tool for relieving the stress of a hectic day and watch as it becomes, well, just that. But the idea that you have to give up flavor for health is false.

10 Ways to Lose Weight Without Even Trying

If you love chips, make your own by cutting a whole-wheat tortilla into triangles sprinkled with spices, and bake them in the oven. If you love cake, use whole-wheat flour and replace some of the sugar with pureed banana or apple. If you love lasagna, use whole-wheat or gluten-free noodles, and add a lot of flavorful veggies but just a little full-fat cheese. There is space for grilled cheese sandwiches, pasta, and dessert in your healthy diet; you just have to get a little creative with how you prepare them.

Once I started experimenting with recipes for a few months, it became empowering to realize I could use spices and healthy ingredients to make food taste better than the processed and fast foods I was used to. For me that community is Fit Girls , where I met other women through Instagram who were also interested in eating healthily, working out, and having fun in the process. This was a place where people shared fun recipes, new workout ideas, and encouraged each other.

This was a place where, instead of focusing on working out for X hours and eating Y calories each day, we focused on collectively finding pictures of unicorns and dressing up for a themed 5K each week. This was a community of women who understood the same thing I did: By focusing on having fun and treating ourselves well instead of on losing weight, we created lasting healthy habits without torturing ourselves in the process.


I focused on the state of my mental health.