Full of quality protein and fats that promote fullness, eggs are also high in biotin, a vitamin that helps the body process, move and burn fat more efficiently. Stick to boiled, poached or scrambled rather than fried.
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Oats are high in soluble fibre and, unlike most other grains, protein, meaning that they help keep you feeling fuller for longer. They are also low on the glycaemic index, so they don't cause a surge in blood sugar levels that can make you crave snacks. It's packed with protein and good fats and can reduce hunger for up to two and a half hours, according to a study from Purdue University in the US. Just stick to the organic stuff, which doesn't contain hydrogenated fats. A substance called piperine in pepper blocks the formation of new fat cells. Bonus: it also increases the bioavailability of other nutrients, effectively making the rest of your meal more nutritious.
Capsaicin, the compound that gives peppers their heat, triggers fight-or-flight hormones including adrenaline and norepinephrine, helping to regulate your heartbeat and breathing, and mobilising fat for your body to use. Cook with the seeds, not the sauce. A study in the Asian Journal Of Clinical Nutrition found eating them concentrated in oil lowered visceral fat in rats.
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Blitz them in a food processor with chillies for a fiery curry paste. A compound in the fruit called bromelain works with other enzymes to help break down and digest fats, while research from Purdue University in the US suggests that it also aids appetite suppression and increases fat excretion. For years dairy products such as yogurt were demonised for their fat content.
But in an analysis of studies examining yogurt consumption and body composition, more than half the research found a positive link between eating yogurt and lower body-fat levels. The combination of calcium, which metabolises fat, and gut-healthy bacteria is behind the benefit, according to the International Journal Of Obesity. Green tea is picked earlier than black, so it retains more polyphenols and antioxidants. This means it can boost your metabolism — the rate at which you burn calories — which burns more body fat.
But possibly the best thing about green tea is that it tastes great without needing milk and sugar.

Fizzy drinks are packed with flab-causing sugar, while the diet versions contain artificial sweeteners that are associated with insulin spikes, leading to weight gain, and bone-weakening phosphorus. Instead, squeeze lime juice into fizzy water. The juice lowers your blood sugar response to other foods to discourage fat storage.
Fat-Burning Foods: 26 Foods That Will Fire Up Your Fat Loss
With high levels of antioxidants, blueberries are effective at combating the damaging effects caused by exercise, pollution and other toxins. Have a handful as a snack or throw them into a smoothie to keep your body burning fat efficiently. These nuts, which actually come mostly from Bolivia, are high in the antioxidant vitamin E. Producing too many of these damages your cells and your body prioritises repairing them over other actions, specifically building muscle and burning fat.
These are a great source of protein, zinc, magnesium and iron — all of which are vital to keeping your body using up fat stores around the clock. They also contain a wide variety of antioxidants, including forms of vitamin E found in few other foods.
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Grab a handful between meals to stay full. So much more than a festive staple, turkey is a lean source of animal protein, which helps keep post-meal insulin levels within a desirable range by moving food at a steady pace through the digestive tract. Some stimulants, like caffeine, chilli and spices may increase your heart rate slightly, which could cause a slight rise in metabolism.
However, the effect is so small that adding such foods to your diet is highly unlikely to impact your weight. The energy in food has the biggest impact on your weight. However, try to resist the temptation of crash diets in a bid to lose weight fast, as these can cause your metabolism to slow down. Your body also holds onto fat, a good source of stored energy.
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This can not only lead to a higher percentage of body fat over time, but also slows down your metabolism. The lower your muscle mass, the slower your metabolism. With a lower muscle mass and slower metabolism, it then becomes much easier to put body fat back on after coming off the diet. Fat burning foods may be a myth, but these techniques can help you lose weight safely and healthily.
You may not have much control over the speed of your metabolism, but you can control how many calories you burn through your level of physical activity. The more active you are, the more calories you burn, so whether you enjoy a walk, run, swim or a dance, try to incorporate around minutes of activity into your week. When it comes to losing weight, choosing the right types of food is crucial.
Following a healthy eating programme like WW can help you make the right food choices to lose weight. Protein is particularly important during weight loss, as it helps increase satiety and limit muscle loss.
Good protein sources include skinless chicken breast, seafood, legumes, eggs and low-fat dairy products. Muscle cells require more energy read: calories than fat cells, so it follows that people with a higher muscle mass tend to have a faster metabolism.
15 Fat-Burning Foods that Help You Lose Weight - Dr. Axe
Incorporate strength training workouts per week into your exercise regime to ensure your weight loss comes from body fat as opposed to muscle. Skip to main content Skip to footer. Search Find a Workshop Shop Login.