Ferret weight loss lethargy

Teeth damaged by various causes, such as chewing on cages or bones, may require root canal repair or extraction. It is reasonable to assume that ferrets are subject to some if not most of the vitamin deficiencies seen in ferrets:. Obstruction of the GI tract by a foreign body is the most common cause of gastrointestinal disease in young and occasionally older ferrets.

Many Pet Ferrets Come Down With These Common Diseases - CEDARCREST Animal Clinic

Clinical signs generally include hyporexia to anorexia and weight loss without vomiting. If located in the stomach, the object can sometimes be retrieved by endoscopy, however, most foreign objects must be removed surgically. One of the common ferret diseases which is a cancer of the adrenal glands.

Symptoms of this disease include hair loss and possibly the animal becoming more aggressive than usual. This condition can be fatal if it is not taken care of right away. Insulinoma is another common ferret disease. Symptoms of this condition include lethargy, seizures, and foaming at the mouth. There are also a number of viral diseases that can also cause illness in your ferret.

The most Common Ferret Diseases and Health Problems

He could have any number of conditions including loss of appetite, diarrhea, and weight loss. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is necessary for you to contact your vet as many of the conditions can be a signal of something that is threatening to the life of your pet. In order to keep your pet healthy and happy, you should be sure he sees the vet yearly and watch his behavior closely for signs of change. With proper care, your ferret can live a healthy life of 8 years or more. Keeping your ferret healthy requires a bit of work on your part. Ferrets have a very weak immune system, and can catch a cold from their human family.

A cold that might just keep you out of work for a couple of days could prove fatal to a ferret, so always keep away from your ferrets when sick. Ferrets have a very low tolerance to heat and cold.

It is suggested that they remain in a 'room temperature' area. Ferrets can get severely dehydrated easily, especially in the heat, always make sure they have plenty of water available. Ferrets find temperatures above 85 degrees unbearably hot, and tend to become fairly lethargic. If your ferret is acting strange, losing weight, has strange color or texture to their feces or any other oddity, take your ferret to the vet as soon as possible. Pet Assure is the largest veterinary network in the U.

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Pet Assure powers DVM Network, a brand built to support our participating veterinary professionals and help them grow their practice. Visit www. Recognizing Your Ferret's Illness There are many diseases that can strike quickly, so you need to monitor your pet closely. Symptoms: Constipation wont poop , smaller poop than normal, bloated belly, painful belly, loss of appetite, weight loss, vomiting, pawing at mouth, dehydration, teeth grinding, face rubbing, lethargy, coma, seizure.

This can eventually lead to ulcers and death. Click here to learn everything about them. Symptoms: vomiting, excessive salvation, extreme lethargy, diarrhea, lack of appetite, blood in poop, teeth grinding, painful belly, weight loss. Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis is caused by your ferret reacting to an allergen in their food or environment.

Intestinal Blockages

Symptoms: loss of appetite, weight loss, severe diarrhea, swollen ears severe cases , skin sores, painful belly. Ferrets can catch the flu, just like humans.

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Symptoms: sneezing, coughing, wheezing, runny nose, fever, diarrhea, face rubbing, lack of appetite. Urinary Tract Infections are caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in the urinary systems -usually E. Coli or Staphylococcus. Click here to learn everything about chordomas. Symptoms: growth on tail, hair loss around growth, excessive itchiness of growth. Dental disease of the tooth and of the gums is extremely common in ferrets. Both are caused by poor diet and get worse with age. Symptoms : bad breath, inflamed or irritate gums, drooling, loose teeth, mouth sores, difficultly eating, discolored teeth.

This is among the most common ferret illnesses. Symptoms: hair loss, rat tail, excessive itchiness, swollen genitals on spayed female ferrets, male ferrets humping other ferrets, aggressive behavior, difficulty peeing, anemia in female ferrets, muscle thinning. When a ferret has insulinoma, they have tumors on their pancreas that cause an overproduction of insulin. As far as ferret illnesses go, this is an extremely common one. Click here to learn everything you need to know about insulinoma. Symptoms: excessive tiredness, excessive salvation, pawing at mouth, star gazing, seizure, weak back legs, lack of coordination, coma.

Lymphoma is cancer of the lymphatic system. These organs are used to fight diseases, so that means if your ferret has lymphoma, they will have a hard time fighting illness.

Many Pet Ferrets Come Down With These Common Diseases

Read more here to learn more about this illness. Isabella May 27, at pm. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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  • The most Common Ferret Diseases and Health Problems;

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