Basketball and swimming won't provide miraculous weight loss results, but when combined with a proper diet, they can lead to a healthy reduction in weight. Losing weight is a matter of burning excess calories. When you burn more calories than you consume, your body dips into its fat stores for energy, causing you to lose weight.
You need to burn 3, excess calories to lose about 1 pound of fat. So how much weight you will lose playing basketball or swimming is directly related to how many calories the activities burn. A pound basketball player burns about 8 calories per minute. At this rate, the player would need to play basketball for a total of more than seven hours to lose a pound of fat. You can change your city from here.
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Next Story: Here is what a cyclist should eat to stay active and fit. How can you lose weight by playing basketball Here is what a cyclist should eat to stay active and fit 5 basic swimming skills everyone needs to learn Perfect your warm up. Select a City Close. Your current city: Mumbai Mumbai search close.
Cutting Fat for Basketball Players
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The 9 Best Sports to Accelerate Your Weight Loss
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A proper diet is just as important for losing fat and gaining muscle as your time in the weight room. Your muscles need fuel, so don't pare down your calorie intake too much—trim only around to 1, calories per day. Stay away from fatty foods and eat nutrient-dense meals, such as salads and lean meats [fish, chicken breast and pork].
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