Grape juice will help burn the extra fat in your body by just having a glass of natural grape juice before bedtime says study [3].
What Can You Drink At Night To Help You Lose Weight?
Grapes contain a powerful antioxidant resveratrol that is known to have some weight loss benefits and it might help you in shedding those extra pounds. This tea is beneficial for reducing weight, promoting better sleep and improving overall health due to its anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, sleep-inducing and antianxiety properties. Chamomile tea has antiobesity properties and beneficial antioxidants which aid in flushing the toxins out from the body, thereby reducing body weight and brings relief from bloating.
Consuming a glass of grapefruit juice 20 minutes before your main meal reduces your level of appetite. A flavonoid called naringenin present in grapefruit keeps your blood sugar levels stable and helps to prevent metabolic syndrome, a pre-diabetic condition which is linked to weight gain around the waist.
Scientists at the University of Western Ontario found that grapefruit juice burns up excess fat in the liver rather than storing it. Soy milk is a plant-based product that is enriched with various vitamins and minerals.

Incorporating soy milk in your diet will help in suppressing your appetite and promote a healthy metabolism. A study has found that overweight or obese women who drank ml of soy milk had a significant weight loss [4].
One of the most effective drinks that aid in the process of weight loss is cucumber juice. Cucumber juice is high in water content and low in calories. This keeps your body hydrated and make you full for longer [5]. In addition, cucumber juice is packed with dietary fibres which help to speed up your metabolism, remove toxins from the body and combat bloating and water retention in the body.
Aloe vera juice has the potential to aid in proper digestion and increase metabolism, which further helps in speeding up weight loss. It also combats water retention that leads to weight gain.
Weight loss: Five bedtime drinks to cut down belly fat
Aloe vera is a rich source of antioxidants, fibre, amino acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, and has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties which also help in managing body weight. For Quick Alerts. However, studies show otherwise. Rich in calcium, protein, zinc, Vitamin B and other essential nutrients, milk has shown to aid weight loss. Furthermore, milk contains proteins that increase the hunger-fighting hormone. This way, it helps you stay full for long, thereby reducing appetite and managing obesity.
Loaded with antioxidants while being relatively low on caffeine content, Green tea can help relax the body. Plus, it can give a boost to your metabolism, thereby aiding in the process of fat burn. Also, according to a Japanese study published in the journal Nutrients , drinking green tea at night can promote better quality sleep. Given its miraculous anti-inflammatory and antidepressant qualities, Chamomile tea is a great pick before bedtime as it can promote better sleep quality, enhance mood, and improve overall health.
Additionally, the antioxidants in chamomile will help flush out the toxins from your body, thus reducing body weight and relieving bloating and other digestive health issues. Well, here is the secret! Read on here for Good Snacking Habits. Psyllium can help weight loss in a number of ways. Apple juice makes the drink naturally sweet and tasty, and, with a sprinkling of cinnamon, you get the feeling of drinking an apple pie, but without all the calories and other bad stuff in it.
Once ingested, psyllium expands to form a gel-like mass by drawing water in from your colon. It reduces fat absorption from the intestine. The bulking up of stomach contents provides a feeling of fullness that discourages snacking. The pectin in the apple can further limit the absorption of fat from the guts and make it easier for your body to break down fats into fatty acids. The antioxidants in the fruit, especially quercetin, can help reduce oxidative damage and associated inflammation.
Its nighttime dose also boosts your metabolism and even helps to increase belly fat burn when the body is otherwise at its lowest energy requirement. This nighttime beverage can help you not only reduce the swelling of your stomach, but also to lose weight in the area of the stomach that is always so critiqued.
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This acidic fruit contains ascorbic acid that improves digestion, helps foods be broken down easily, and nutrients to be properly absorbed. Its pepsin component also helps you benefit more from proteins by burning fat. It gives you a satisfying feeling, prevents gas, and burns fat. It works as an effective metabolic stimulant for any diet. This low-calorie vegetable is super rich in soluble fiber, which binds with the fatty acids. Thus, It helps to get rid of them so as to reduce the total fat intake from your digestive tract.