How many calories do I burn playing basketball? | Exercise For Weight Loss - Sharecare
Carb restriction comes with a range of metabolic benefits such as reduced hunger and cravings which can help increase the chance of an athlete adhering to the diet. Regardless of whether you choose a high carb or high fat diet for basketball, the most important factor in weight loss for basketball is overall caloric intake vs expenditure. In order to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume.
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To lose fat at a healthy rate you should aim to consume a deficit of calories less than your maintenance daily energy expenditure. This means that at the end of one week you would have accumulated a deficit of calories. Your body needs to dig into your fat stores to compensate for this energy deficit.
As a result at this rate you can lose around a healthy 0. You also run the risk of losing muscle mass when on rapid fat loss diets.
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Recent studies have determined that female high school athletes aged yrs have a daily energy expenditure of around 3, calories. Male high school athletes were found to expend significantly more energy, burning through an average of calories per day 1. The average person usually requires between calories per day to maintain their current weight.
Dudley favors a chicken, tuna, or turkey sandwich; the carbs help him restore his energy, and the meat provides the protein he needs to rebuild muscle. Nap Dudley dozes for about 2 hours to keep his body fresh and to help make up for late NBA hours. Rough life, right? Hey, the man knows that if he's sleep deprived, he'll become sluggish and put on weight. Schedule 8 hours of sleep a night or you'll run the same risk.

Snack Between meals, Dudley eats trail mix or a salad with salmon or baked chicken. If he wants sweets, he'll instead have a calorie frozen fruit treat or some sweetened yogurt.
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They showed me that eating good snacks prevents you from overeating. Dinner Pick a protein—Dudley almost always has chicken—and add lettuce, spinach, asparagus, or any other vegetable that has some color. Dessert When Dudley steps up in the fourth quarter, assume chocolate chip cookies are on his mind. They're his favorite, so he's made a rule: "I can eat one only if we have a road victory. It keeps the bad foods in check.
Alternating a moderate jog and full-on sprints turns a basic run into an anaerobic one, which has more in common with weight lifting. This means that basketball will not only get your heart pumping as you drive down the lane, your body will continue burning calories as it repairs your newly-strengthened muscles well after the game has finished.
Basketball Workout for Losing Weight
Easy changes to make at the gym You can really maximize the on-court benefits of the sport by replicating the same movements at the gym and becoming a stronger player in the process. Here are a few changes you should consider making to the conditioning regimen you already have. Your email address will not be published.
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