Make sure your year-old eats breakfast before school.
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Skipping meals, although it may seem like an effective diet plan, will cause your preteen's metabolism to slow over time, as it learns to burn calories more slowly to make up for the lack of food. Offer foods that are high in fiber and protein to keep him fuller on fewer calories, such as whole wheat toast with peanut butter or a breakfast burrito.
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Offer healthier snacks that are low in calories but still satisfying, suggests Jane Auh, M. Remove tempting junk food from the cupboards so it is no longer an option. Cheese and crackers, fruit and yogurt, or vegetables and hummus are ideal snacks that your preteen will still eat, while reducing the number of calories she consumes each day.
Give your year-old plenty of opportunity to be active.
Good Workout for Preteens to Lose Belly Fat
Sign him up for a sports team, urge him to join an active group at school or just kick around a soccer ball with him. You'll find that since the belly is where most fat collects on your preteen's body, it will be the first place that fat will melt away with healthy diet and exercise. Concentrate on helping your preteen live a healthy lifestyle and avoid fad diets and unhealthy choices.
Remember that as a year-old, your child is extremely impressionable, notes Donna Fish of the Huffington Post. Avoid urging her to lose weight or limit herself.
Instead, make healthier suggestions and lead by example. By Kay Ireland. Kay Ireland.
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