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ITs really fustrating. How can i easily gain weight without having to over do myself? Am I Fat, Be Honest? I feel fat, any suggestions to be lbs? How much weight should i lose? I want to lose weight because i am fed up of feeling fat all the time. How much should i lose? I am 5' 6 and pounds Here are some pics sorry about the badly done erasing What are the advantages and the disadvantages of healthy food?
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I am doing a Healthy and Unhealthy food poster. I need to know the advantages and the disadvantages of healthy food Also i need to know the advantages and the disadvantages of Junk food? Do i look fat? I need help i am 5ft. How much do u weigh and how tall are you?? Additional Details i weigh and Pepsi or coke? Pepsi and coke have been at war ever since i was a child still am kinda and i wanna know from the public, which do you prefer?
Is that skinny, average, or fat? I'm not sure that is my exact height. BTw, if you call that average then I will assume you mean fat and im just wondering what people think Is my sister fat? She is 13, 4"11, and 53 pounds.? Should fat people be force fed to let them see the? Why are people stronger if they weigh more?
Are school lunches unhealthy for you?? Do you like think im fat? Additional Details Is a Size 10 Fat? After you quit smoking, when does your body start to feel better? I quit smoking 24 days ago and I don't physically feel any better. I even started walking 30 min a day and still don't feel better I dont think I'm fat but?
Alright so yesterday I was at the doctor's because I accidently cut my thumb pretty deep it was really icky trust me and while I was there they took my weight and height. I'm 5'5" and pounds? Am I anorexic? Am I doing damage to myself? On my "good" days, I eat - calories a day. I feel guilty if I eat any more than that. But I can only eat this much on days when I don't hang out with my friends, because when I If i starve myself for a week and just eat celery and water how much do you think i would lose?
Sue J.
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