My dad said i need to lose weight

My parents thankfully divorced a few months ago so she'll never find out, haha. I'm an extremely stubborn person and if I set my mind to something I don't stop until I decide to.

Dear Therapist: I'm Not Overweight, But My Mom Keeps Telling Me I Am

Losing weight and becoming healthier is a battle I don't intend to give up on. Hey yall wats up this yo gurl jasz i kno wat yall fellin like. I mean iam not big but iam nt small iam a big bonded girl. But thats not how i wanna be. Like i hav tried to get help from my but it seems like she always give up so it makes me wanna give because i dnt have nobody to push to get it done. So idk wat to do.

I guess i need help frm friends. My parents are a bit up and down. My mum recently lost about 60kg's and is tiny, and my dad is starting to loose weight. I wouldn't call what I'm doing is "dieting," but clearly taking control of my life. I'm not big or anything, I'm 58kgs, and I'm 14 years old. I'm about cm, so I'm pretty average, but i don't see myself as my desired weight. My parents think I'm too young to be caring what i look like, but the truth is, I'm old enough to make my own decisions, and that they have nothing to do with this one.

I told her that the stuff she buys at the store isn't healthy and that the only reason our family has a problem with weight is she buys it, and its the only stuff to eat. Then the next day after i have this convo with her she brings home a whole pie, stuffing, mashed potatoes, turkey gravy, and waffles for dinner. I'm sorry that some of your parents don't help with your weight losses.

Yeah, that sucks.

How To Find Peace // All I Want For Christmas // Pastor Greg Bradford

My parents are completely the opposite!! I've told them this time next year I'll have a body I'm proud of and I want to be extremely healthy, fit and be well toned. They were all "oh yeah okay". But now they keep offering me food, constantly, fearing I'm starving myself when I'm not. They keep offering me fast food and the cupboards are full of chocolate and crisp even though I havent had either since Jan 1st. They keep saying I'm not fat, and all my mates tell me I'm not fat, but my BMI says I'm bordering overweight and my fitness level isn't good.

I just wish they'd be supportive and not offer me food all the time. I've been asking for a gym membership for over two months and my mum is being very laidback with a "oh i'll get round to it love" attitude. It's very annoying, they're making temptation harder. My parents pretty much made me.

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They said we were all getting in shape, but they aren't. So I do it by myself. And everytime I eat a little too much they'll fuss at me.

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I hate it. My mum just started a diet, which was what gave me the motivation to do it too. Im not technically overweight, on the BMI Im I want to lose 20pounds, and be before my birthday, Im 5feet 11inches. My dad doesnt exactly know about my ambitions to lose weight, and my mum suspects it.

Im not planning on telling them, just do the independant thing. I know that if i tell them they will just tell me im fine the way i am. Why do parents not appreciate our desire to change something, they dont know how it feels to be a teenager. I get teased at school occasionally because im not a barbie doll. I dont want to be a barbie doll, but i do want to lose some weight. My parents try to be supportive, but I just don't want them invlolved.

What Happened Next?

I feel uncomfortable when Mam starts cooing "Ooh, you're eating healthy are you? That's right, you're being good today. And my Dad just makes me want to cry. He's called me "fat" before, and I ended up in tears and he just kept going saying "well I'm sorry I'm just telling the truth. I'm not actually as fat as he makes me out to be, but it makes me feel like crap all of the time. For me, I do better if my parents arent supporting me because the moment they do I feel like I'm not doing it for myself anymore I'm doing it for them, and my diet falls apart again.

Parents are so rude. My mom has 2 cookies and my dad has ramon noodle soup right before bed. I thought we were ALL going on a diet, not just me. Don't think I spelled that right. My parents calls me fat. When I want to lose weight they tell me to stop eating so much. I don't eat a lot for one thing but when they tell me this I get so angry.

Should parents ever comment on their daughter’s weight? | Health & wellbeing | The Guardian

I'm like it is not healthy to starve yourself. They buy junk food and never healthy foods. What the hell am I suppose to eat then!? I just don't eat it. Sometime I get so hungry I just start drinking a lot of stuff. Milk helps me a lot. I'm talking too much. When I have those low self-esteem days and tell myself I'm going to lose weight. I tell my parent and they say you are not fat My parents are always bothering me about my weight.

When I have an extra helping, they'll ask me if I really need it. It bothers me, because my parents have a snack every night before bed - they'll just sit there eating chips and dip or cheese and crackers, watching 'The Biggest Loser' how ironic for two hours.

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  • Why do they bug me about my eating habits when I'm the only one in my 7-member immediate family who has a healthy BMI? Whenever I try and lose weight though, they get concerned. I did go a bit extreme a few years ago and dropped to an unhealthy BMI, but I'm nowhere near fitting into those pants anymore! Sometimes I think they deliberately try to tempt me by bringing home crap.

    I tell them to please not buy it, but they tell me to just not eat it. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way - I'm an emotional eater, and when I'm upset, if it's there I'll eat it. I just can't help myself, and it would be nice to get some support once in a while. My parents make big dinners and buy junk food. It's so hard to diet when all that crap is in the house.

    Plus, it's hard to exercise alone and they do it on their own time, when I'm busy doing schoolwork. Or, my dad will do it at work. It's so annoying. They said they would help me too. She also, like you said, counts the cookies. Before she would always nag me, even though Im not overwight, and compare me to my skinny 85 pound friends.

    Thats when I know I win the battle. My parents are the opposite.

    Your Answer

    I was at a healthy weight and a normal kid until I was about 4 years old. Then when I started having problems So I had brain surgery when I was four years old. After that I was recovering for months I stayed home from school for weeks. Then when I finally went back, I wasn't allowed to climb on anything during recess, i just sat there. The mediciane that I had to take made me gain a bunch of weight, and crave foods. That's when I started being overweight. When I turned 10 years old, I was getting back on track. My doctor told my parents that I was actually at a healthy weight again.

    But then the brain tumor came back, so I once again had brain surgery when I was ten. I don't really blame my parents for feeding me a little more than the average child when I was younger. At night, we all had to have dinner at the same time, and we had to eat it if we wanted dessert. In the afternoon, my mom gave us a snack.