Researchers found that exercising at about 75 percent effort was superior in inducing fat loss, especially around the abdomen, than 50 percent effort. You could, of course, perform that intensity by running, cycling or pedaling an elliptical. A high-intensity calisthenics circuit in which you perform five to 10 exercises for a minute each with no break between them can also qualify as high-intensity cardio. Moves such as jump lunges, burpees, renegade rows , kettlebell swings and mountain climbers could be included in such a workout. All of these exercises require core activation to complete, so you get the bonus of strengthening your obliques as you burn fat from them.
Just because targeted moves won't help you lose fat from your obliques doesn't mean you should leave them out of your training. You just can't rely on them alone for fat loss. Your obliques are the side muscles that help you twist or bend to the side. Exercises that include this movement are thus beneficial to stronger, more defined obliques that will appear when you drop the fat. Include at least one, and up to three, of the following oblique exercises three to five times per week. Build up to three sets.
Continue to train the entirety of the core at these workouts as well to create balanced strength.
Step One: Get Serious About Your Diet
Side Plank: Get into the top of a plank position, either on your hands or forearms. Turn to one side and stack your shoulders, hips and feet. Hold for up to 60 seconds per side. Woodchoppers: Set a cable machine handle to the highest setting. Face the machine sideways and grasp the handle with both hands. Twist the cable toward your feet as you pivot and bend your knees.
Next, twist back over to the left touching the weight to the left side of your body. Repeat back and forth, all while balancing with your legs and torso raised off of the ground. Get into side plank position with your elbow on the ground and your legs and hips resting on the ground. Engaging your abs and keeping your body in a straight line, raise the lower half of your body up off the ground into a straight plank position.
Lower again and repeat. Do 15 on your right side, and then 15 on your left side. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your hands behind your head. Do not clasp your hands together.
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Engage your abs, lifting your shoulders and upper back off of the ground. At the same time, move your right elbow toward your left knee so that they meet in the middle of your body. Next, switch your position by bringing your left elbow to your right knee. Continue as quickly as possible while still keeping your torso raised up off the ground.
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Jennifer Cohen is a leading fitness authority, TV personality, best-selling author, and entrepreneur. Connect with Jennifer on Facebook, Twitter , and on Pinterest.
The Truth: How To Burn Abdominal Fat!
Do 3 sets. Keeping core engaged, lift legs into tabletop position, knees bent at a degree angle. Without changing the angle of knees, tilt knees left and lower feet until toes tap the floor. Lift legs back to tabletop and repeat on the other side. Do 3 sets of 15 reps. Lay down with knees bent and feet flat on floor, hip-width apart.
Holding either a small exercise ball or light weight, point elbows out to the side and curl up, pressing lower back down into the mat. Hold for 10 seconds, engaging the abs. Twist upper body to the left while keeping the back of the waist on the floor.

Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart. With a 5 to 10 lb weight in each hand, reach right arm to right toe, followed by left arm to left toe. Then reach right arm along the back of leg towards right heel, followed by left arm towards left heel. Avoid bending too much from the hips.
Perform this move slowly for 30 seconds, faster for 30 seconds, then double-time without weights for 30 seconds. Hold a forearm plank position, legs squeezing together for an extra inner thigh bonus. Twists hips up and over midline, alternating left to right.
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Do 10 reps, sets. With hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, pull right knee over towards left elbow. Switch, pulling left leg in towards left elbow. Your right hip should be slightly lower than the left.
16 Reasons You Can't Get Rid of Your Love Handles | Eat This Not That
Do as many reps as possible for 45 seconds. Repeat, bringing knees toward the right elbow. Do 4 sets per side.
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