Create accountability. It can be a friend that also has a weight loss goal, a family member who cares about you and your health, an online accountability or support community , a weight loss or running group you meet with weekly. Your surroundings, those you spend the most time with, will make or break your success. Evaluate who you spend the most time with. Are they supportive? Do they encourage and motivate you? Eliminate or spend less time with those who do not help or support your decision to lose weight.
Create weekly and monthly checkpoints where you assess your progress. What worked? What challenges did you face? What could you have done differently or better? Assess and identify areas of improvement and then implement them the following week or month. Rewards, when used correctly, have the ability to motivate and encourage you to work harder and strive to do more. Give and you shall receive. Help and serve others every chance you get.
The Weight Loss Checklist: 8 Essentials for Successful Sustainable Slimming
As you begin to lose weight, others will notice and begin reaching out to you for help and guidance on how you did it. The best way to remember and pay tribute to those who have helped, encouraged, and motivated you along the way, is to turn around and provide that same level of support and guidance to others.
If you learn, teach. Keep a journal of all your weight loss activity and efforts. Track when you exercise, what you do, and for how long you do it. Most importantly, track how and what you eat. Studies show that those who keep daily food records lose twice as much weight as those who do not. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. As you get stronger, better, and healthier, continue to look for additional ways to improve — to do more, push more, and take it to the next level. Strive to be better than the person you were yesterday.
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Keep moving forward. Which of these have you used and found most success with? Which ones will you try going forward?
Healthy Weight Checklist | Obesity Prevention Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
The best two that I have used, have been the mindset bikini body and who I surround myself with. The people around you really have a huge impact, whether you realize it or not. Thanks for sharing the above, great post! Another great post, Mike! I feel these 3 form the core of any goal we embark upon. Great post, Mike. I like that you started with Mindset as, in my opinion, it is the chief factor in planning any changes in your life.
If your mindset is right, everything else follows. Thanks for your comment and being here Anna! You must be logged in to post a comment. Main page Blog. Health is a choice.
Success is a choice. Creating the right habits. Being consistent and accountable.

Mindset Get your head in the game. Goals Define your goal.
- Weight Loss Checklist.
- Drink Water Before Meals!
- How to lose weight: Doctor shares daily dozen checklist for healthy weight loss!
- Healthy Weight Checklist.
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Write it Down A goal not written down is only a wish. There are a lot of ways to get moving. Choose activities you enjoy. For good health: 2. For weight control: 1 hour a day of moderate to vigorous activity. This activity can be pieced together from short bursts of 10 minutes or more.
Key to these recommendations is that all activities should be age appropriate and fun, and keep kids moving and breathing at an increased rate. Watching television TV can be enjoyable and informative; unfortunately it can also be double jeopardy when it comes to weight. Try these tips for curbing exposure to TV and other screen media video games, recreational computer use, and similar pastimes :.
Here are some general recommendations for sleep duration. Source: National Sleep Foundation. Together with the help of their healthcare providers, women of childbearing age, pregnant women, and new mothers can take steps that could help improve their own health as well as the health of their children.
This is a normal part of life, but when these stresses become too much, they can take a toll on health and contribute to weight gain by leading to unhealthy eating and other unhealthy activities. One of the best ways to control stress is also one of the best ways to combat weight gain: regular physical activity.
Daily Weight Loss Checklist
Mind body approaches, such as breathing exercises, can also be beneficial. For more on stress and tips on controlling it, visit this Medline Plus article on Stress Management or, for employers, the University of Massachusetts website on Stress at Work. Skip to content Obesity Prevention Source. Harvard T.
2. Don’t Set the Wrong Goal
Obesity Prevention Source expand child menu. Search Search for:. Eat Well Calories matter for weight-and some foods make it easier for us to keep our calories in check. What to Eat Choose minimally processed, whole foods: Whole grains whole wheat, steel cut oats, brown rice, quinoa Vegetables a colorful variety-not potatoes Whole fruits not fruit juices Nuts, seeds, beans, and other healthful sources of protein fish and poultry Plant oils olive and other vegetable oils Drink water or other beverages that are naturally calorie-free.
How Much to Eat Age, gender, body size, and level of physical activity dictate how many calories you need each day to lose weight or to stay at a healthy weight. How to Avoid Overeating Eat breakfast. While it seems like skipping a meal is an easy way to cut calories, skipping breakfast usually backfires when hunger comes raging back mid-day, often leading to overeating. Choose small portions and eat slowly. Limiting distractions-turning off the television, computer, or smartphone-can also help us focus on the food.
Eat at home. Fast food, restaurant meals, and other foods prepared away from home tend to have larger portions and be less nutritious than the foods we cook for ourselves. Eat mindfully.