Her blood sugar level was also borderline high. After a thorough nutritional status and diet intake assessment, Ms Wong recommended an individualised meal plan for her. In order to help her lose 2kg a month, a 1, calories diet was recommended to Mdm Lee. Font size. User name field is required Password field is required.
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15 Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast - The Singapore Women's Weekly
News Video. Welcome back! Set font size. Singapore General Hospital SGH Department of Dietetics shares the strategy to reduce calorie intake and a simple meal plan to lose weight.
7 Days Diet Plan
Total Shares. She had a healthy appetite and ate whatever she pleased, but never had to watch her weight. The healthy eating pyramid is a guide to how you can eat healthily and still lose weight. A daily balanced diet for weight loss should include: Carbohydrate sources: Apart from carbohydrates, these foods provide energy, fibre and other nutrients such as vitamins B and E. Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals.
Both are good sources of fibre which help in providing bulk and a feeling of satiety. Protein-rich foods: Protein plays an important role in the repair of body tissues and for growth. It is also a good source of iron, selenium, zinc and B vitamins. With expertise from:. Dietetics Department. Fact: Everything counts when it comes to weight loss.

While daily lifestyle activities may not improve aerobic fitness, it still burns more calories than sitting in front of your TV or computer. Myth 5: I can also lose weight by using vibrating machines.
Fact: To lose weight, one must do minutes of aerobic exercise per week. Spot reduction exercises such as vibrating machines or ab machines do not result in weight loss. Myth 6: After I lose weight and I am happy with my weight loss, I can cut back on the amount of physical activity I do. Fact: This is a common mistake made by those who lose weight, and then regain it. The key to managing your weight successfully is in ensuring that the calories that you consume do not exceed the calories that you use.
Be it bread, rice or noodles, natural is always best! The less processed your options, the more whole grain it contains — it also satisfies your appetite faster and for longer. When prepared well i. They are also a rich source of antioxidants so you get more goodness in these foods for every mouthful of calories you consume.
Singaporeans can enjoy a wider variety of wholegrain products such as wholegrain enriched noodles, kway teow, mun tou and biscuits. Related: A Guide To Carbohydrates. Consume more HCS products as these are generally lower in fat and sugar and are lower in calories too. Myth 1: Certain foods, like grapefruit, celery, or cabbage soup, can burn fat and make you lose weight.
Fact: No foods can burn fat. Fact: You can snack and still lose weight, as long as the total amount of calories you consume is less than the calories you use. If you choose to snack between meals, eat smaller main meals and choose healthier snack options e. Myth 3: Skipping meals or taking meal replacements can help to lose weight.
What to Eat to Lose Weight
Fact: Our body, especially the brain, requires a regular supply of glucose from food to function optimally. Stick to a regular eating schedule as missing meals may lead to impulsive snacking and overeating and may lower the rate at which the body burns energy. In the long run, such dietary habits may also lead to nutrient deficiencies.
Fact: Vegetarians, like non-vegetarians, can still make food choices that contribute to weight gain such as eating large amounts of high-fat foods e. Vegetarian diets should be carefully planned to make sure they are balanced. Nutrients that non-vegetarians normally get from animal products, but that may be lacking in a vegetarian eating plan include iron, calcium, vitamin B12 and zinc.
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People who deprive themselves may end up eating more. If your total calorie intake is less than the calories you use, you'll be sure to lose weight. Myth 7: Meal replacements can be used for weight loss Fact: Meal replacements can be used for weight loss but only under medical supervision as there are various factors a doctor or a dietician will consider when prescribing meal replacements. They are usually prescribed for short periods as meal replacements are not long-term solutions for weight management.
They also lack the full complement of beneficial phytochemicals to keep your body healthy. This article was last reviewed on Thursday, February 6, Screen for Life SFL is a national screening programme that encourages Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents to go for regular health screenings and follow up.
Feel good as a squad when you get moving together! Find out how you can take care of yourself and make the necessary lifestyle changes to keep healthy as you age. All Rights Reserved. How to Lose Weight the Healthy Way. How to lose weight healthily? What are Moderate-Intensity Activities? With moderate-intensity activities: Your heart rate to increases. You break a sweat. You can talk, but not sing during the activity. Adults should aim to do 8 to 12 repetitions for each set of exercise.
Give yourself a rest period of at least 2 days between each session.
Simple & Healthy Diet: Your 7-Day Meal Plan to Lose Weight
Examples of muscle-strengthening activities include: Free weights Weight-lifting machines Resistance bands Body Weight exercises, e. Identify available time slots where you can get at least 10 minutes of aerobic-type physical activity. Add physical activity to your daily routine. Walk or ride your bicycle to work or shops, and organise your daily activities around physical activities. Select activities requiring minimal time, such as walking, jogging or stair climbing. Lack of motivation Plan ahead. Make physical activity a regular part of your daily or weekly schedule and write it on your calendar.