For 6 consecutive days before starting HRT and 6 days at the end of HRT, women wore a pedometer to estimate their level of physical activity.
The device measured the steps they took, including walking, working, and doing house chores and leisure activities. They were instructed to not change their usual activities. Most of the women did not play sports or do any structured physical exercise, according to Spritzer. Results showed that 24 of the women were physically active—defined as taking 6, steps or more per day—and 10 were inactive less than 6, steps a day.
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- How Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Improve Your Weight Loss Efforts.
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For a woman who has a step, or stride, length of 2 feet 60 cm , 6, steps would be around 2. For active women, the higher the number of steps they took, the lower was their waist measurement and the better their level of "good" high-density-lipoprotein, or HDL cholesterol, the authors reported.
The inactive women did not have any changes in body fat or cholesterol. However, when all 34 women were considered in the analysis, body fat still declined significantly after HRT. Materials provided by The Endocrine Society. Note: Content may be edited for style and length. Science News. ScienceDaily, 19 June The Endocrine Society. Retrieved December 21, from www. I was experiencing relatively low libido compared to just a few years earlier and was also having trouble sleeping with terrible night sweats.
Hormone Replacement Therapy for Weight Loss
My sleep is now consistent and steady without waking multiple times during the night, and no more night sweats. I wake up most days feeling rested and refreshed. I feel sensuous, alive, energized and my brain is working normally again. I have energy and am back to the gym on a regular and consistent basis.
I highly recommend this if you are experiencing any symptoms similar to what I was.
Balance your hormones, don’t replace them.
My experience with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has been wonderful so far. Within a few weeks after I started treatment, I noticed an increase in clarity, libido, energy, and body strength, with no adverse reactions. I am an active year old, with a very demanding executive-level job and full-time work schedule, who also strength trains. I believe this treatment will help me attain those goals. It already has helped me attained some of them. They are professional, patient, encouraging, and just nice people. In , I met Dr.
Scinta who diagnosed my hormone deficiencies and, after researching in consultation with other progressive medical professionals, agreed to treat my condition with SottePelle hormone pellets. Scinta is a pioneer who has the compassion, knowledge and courage to seek solutions to improve the lives of those suffering from hormonal imbalances and other challenges. The dryness, foggy memory, low energy levels and lack of sexual drive have improved dramatically, and I can continue teaching with renewed zeal! Please, please, please understand that you do not need to endure these types of conditions like I did for so many years.

At the very least, consult with Dr. Scinta before you resign yourself to living with treatable medical issues. I am delighted to write this review for Dr. Wendy Scinta. I have been a patient of Dr. My treatment includes the bioidentical hormone replacement therapy of SotoPelle pellets testosterone and estrogen and take progesterone tablets. I have read the reviews written by other patients; they are invariably highly complimentary.
I can say that from my experience that each one is true. Each review describes the specific symptoms that I too was experiencing and that were making me miserable, including uncontrollable weight gain, extreme loss of energy and libido, random pain, and fitful sleep. I felt I was prematurely aging and this was depressing.
Blood tests confirmed that my testosterone levels were very low; so was my metabolism. I was delighted! Scinta understood this. And it truly has. I have every intention of continuing this treatment, which includes regular blood tests to ensure I am getting exactly what I need.
Hormones that affect your weight
I am very grateful for Dr. I was not accepting that and was turning the negative into positive; 40 is the new 30 and 50 is the new I did my due diligence and researched all the pros and cons regarding BHRT. I talked to a couple people who were already on BHRT to get their experiences. I decided to try it!
Best thing I have ever done, immediately within 48 hours the hot flashes subsided, my sleep pattern was more consistent, and moodiness improved. After about a month, I saw an amazing improvement in my energy level and relief from the aches and pains. Scinta since She and the great staff at MWLNY have been helping me battle my weight and get back to a healthy state. Last fall, I noticed that I always seemed to be tired, lack energy and my mood was always poor.
Scinta to help me. I discussed this with Dr.
- Can Hormone Therapy for Menopause Prevent Weight Gain?.
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Scinta and she suggested getting my bloodwork checked for low testosterone. We had done this in the past and I had been borderline low. I scheduled an appointment for the next time I would be in Syracuse for the pellet insertion. The procedure was very easy and painless. Within a few days, I could see my energy levels going up and my overall mood was improving. The increase in energy helped with my weight loss and motivation to exercise. I knew right away it was time to call the office again to have the bloodwork done so I could get a booster. Scinta and staff are amazing!!
Prior to the pellets, I felt like I was slowly losing my mind and no energy to try to find it. The brain fog that I was experiencing was affecting my daily living and was starting to become a bit scary for me. I am very good at multi-tasking and was finding it increasingly difficult to remember even the simplest things to do. My energy level was at an all-time low- just getting out of bed was a taxing effort. Lack of sleep was becoming routine and night sweats were the norm.
Reviewing my first set of labs with Dr. Within a week and a half after my first insertion of the pellets I knew I made the best decision ever. I actually began to sleep through the night, awake with energy and dry clothes The night sweats are completely gone! My ability to multi-task and plan ahead improved greatly that I felt like a human being again. I will continue to take the pellets for as long as I can and highly recommend and encourage others to give it a try. Over the last decade, I began to feel more sluggish and tired.
I gained weight and no matter what I did, I could not lose any. I made an appointment to see Dr. The staff here is great!
Hormone replacement may fight belly fat, study says - CNN
They had my blood tested and found that, while my estrogen and other factors were within optimal ranges, my testosterone was almost non-existent. I was started on a low dose of testosterone and my body accepted the pellets very well with no side effects. After a couple of weeks, I felt like my old self. I had not felt like this in years! It has taken a couple of insertions to get the dosing optimal for me and I could not be happier. I have not had any negative side effects and feel like I have my life back!
Prior to receiving my first SotoPelle testosterone, I had very low energy, lethargy, a sense of hopelessness and every year I found it harder and harder to keep the weight off.