Gnc fat burner supplements

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Slimming and Weight Loss

Paid Content. Most Popular Most Read. Read More. Although sales for diet pills are down, they're still a major money maker for stores like GNC. The retailer that sells health and nutrition-related products has a list of best-selling items, including the top diet pills.

GNC Total Burn Cinnamon Flavored Nutritional Supplement - 60 Count

While this list may seem like a good place to start when searching for a little extra something to help lose those unwanted pounds, the pills may lighten the customer's wallet more than they do the customer. Before purchasing any diet pills from any store, consult a doctor to discuss benefits and risks.

GNC offers a number of products under its own name, including the weight-loss supplement from the Total Lean line called Burn The makers of the pill claim it increases calorie burning by as much as 60 percent.

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It contains extracts of guarana seed, black tea, grape seed and skin and ginger root. Guarana is a caffeine-containing herb found in a number of different diet pills; as a diuretic, it helps people lose water weight, not fat weight.

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And while the caffeine offers a boost in energy, it doesn't do much to help people lose weight, according to the Obesity Action Coalition. It contains human chorionic gonadotropin glycopeptide stimulating complex, along with the amino acids tyrosine and ornithine. Yerba mate is like caffeine in that it stimulates the nervous system to increase energy levels. While it's found in a number of weight-loss pills, it has not been proved to be effective at helping anyone lose weight, according to the Cleveland Clinic.


Cayenne has thermogenic properties and may help decrease appetite, but the effects on weight loss are small. Diet pills may help a person lose some weight, but the weight loss won't last, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

These types of pills may also be dangerous to human health. Guarana has been known to increase blood pressure and cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness or anxiety. Yerba mate taken for long periods of time or in large amounts may increase a person's risk of mouth, esophageal or lung cancer. As a protein, hCG is broken down in the stomach when taken as a pill, which inactivates any of the effects the supplement may have on the body.

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The only safe and effective way to lose those unwanted pounds is to create a negative calorie balance by eating less and moving more. Jill Corleone is a registered dietitian and health coach who has been writing and lecturing on diet and health for more than 15 years.