Swim workout to lose fat

Not very clear right? Swimming pool games are a great way to add thrill to a classic swimming pool get-together.

The Fat-Burning Swimming Workout to Lose Weight and Gain Strength

Here is the collection of the best swimming pool games for kids and adults to try. Being overweight has multiple risks to health. Coupled with a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and sport you can get your metabolism back on track. We want it pert, round, firm, shapely and with plenty of muscle, fit for body-hugging jeans or a sexy dress. All the wonders you seek are within yourself. Men Women. Kids Seniors. Family Animals. Start a Sport Return to Sport.

Get fit Injury Recovery. Lose Weight Improve Performance. Sport for mental health Winter Real time Short on time. Podcasts Coming soon. Advice Stories videos Ambassador. Mar 26, Thank you for the subscribe. Note that you are not actually holding your breath so much as you are controlling it. Kick it out for 5 to 10 minutes. You can do this by resting on a kickboard or even a boogie board and kick lightly, then vigorously. Kick from your hips down to your toes, but keep your feet close together, as if you are kicking inside a bucket.

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Sprint and rest for 10 to 15 minutes. This is where the calorie burn really kicks in, and the pace is really determined by your own fitness level. To begin, swim fast and hard for one or two pool lengths, rest, and repeat. If you find you do not yet have the stamina to swim vigorously for a full pool length, try starting with swimming half-lengths or pool widths instead. Repeat the sprint and rest activity for up to 15 minutes. Cool down for 10 to 15 minutes. Swim at a reduced pace, then gradually wind down for slower and slower laps.

Allow yourself a few minutes at the end just to float and enjoy the experience of being in the water. Note: For different variations or to give certain muscle sets a rest while engaging others , consider alternating between breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly.

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  8. For a more prescribed, interval-based alternative to the basic swim workout, follow this guideline: Take a leisurely swim for 4 pool lengths, followed by a moderate swim for 5 lengths, followed by swimming as fast as you can for 5 lengths, then a slow cool down for 2 lengths.

    This approach is obviously geared a bit more toward folks who have some experience with endurance and fast-paced swimming. Take rests between sets as needed. Note: Most community pools are 25 yards long about the same as 25 meters , so swimming the length of the pool 4 times in a row equals meters. Olympic pools are 50 meters in length. Each of the workouts below is structured to loosen and warm up your muscles first, then kick start your metabolism, followed by an intense fat-scorching main set.

    Swim meters in most pools, this is 4 lengths at a steady but leisurely pace, rest, then repeat the swim and rest three more times. Swim 50 meters at a slower pace but with good technique, rest 15 seconds. Repeat 5 more times. This workout includes vertical dolphin kicking, which just means being upright and keeping your head above water by dolphin kicking instead of treading water.

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    Swim meters at a relaxed pace, resting for 10 seconds between lengths. Swim 25 meters with a focus on elongating your reach to get across the pool in as few strokes as possible, rest 10 seconds. Repeat the meter stretch stroke and rest cycle 7 more times. Swim for 25 meters, then kick for 25 meters with or without a board.

    Rest 15 seconds. Swim 25 meters with a focus on elongating your reach to get across the pool in as few strokes as possible, rest 20 seconds. Repeat the meter stretch, stroke, and rest cycle 7 more times, and see if you can get across the pool in fewer strokes than you did in the warm-up sequence. As with all workouts, the goal is to push yourself to the maximum safe effort, so take note of your ability level and adjust as needed. For example, if you cannot swim s, drop to 75s or even 50s as you build your tolerance in the water, but limit yourself to 20 second rests in the main set.

    Swim for 50 meters and focus on controlling your breathing, rest 20 seconds. Kick for meters, rest 20 seconds. Swim for 50 more meters. Swim freestyle meters, kick meters, rest 20 seconds. Repeat 9 more times. Swim 50 meters, do 10 deepwater bobs.

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    As you bob, shimmy and shake out your arms and legs, rest 10 seconds. Repeat 3 more times. If you are not quite ready for a swimming workout that is favored by triathletes, you can still get your heart rate up and engage your entire body by following some of the tips below to help you burn calories in the pool.

    Note: Want our elite trainers to build your workouts for you, in and out of the pool? Swimming is an effective cardio workout, and it is a great way to mix up your workout routines. Fitness Nutrition Wellness News. It Forces You To Focus on Breathing As you progress as a swimmer, your body and brain learn to build breathing in and out as part of the training. Swimming Drowns Fat According to a study published in by Australian researchers in the medical journal, Metabolism, swimming has positive effects not just on weight loss, but also on body fat distribution.

    Now, About That Swim Workout Rather than give you a single fat-scorching, calorie-burning swim workout, we will give you three! Outline of a Basic Swim Workout Warm up for 5 to 10 minutes of relaxed swimming with rests in between laps if needed. Repeat 7 more times. Do a relaxed but steady backstroke for 50 meters. Do a flutter-kick freestyle or use a kickboard for 25 meters, rest 10 seconds. Swim breaststroke or butterfly all out for 25 meters, rest 10 seconds.

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    Swim Workout 2: Finding Your Porpoise This workout includes vertical dolphin kicking, which just means being upright and keeping your head above water by dolphin kicking instead of treading water. Repeat 4 more times. Keep your core steady and kick with equal power in both directions.