In theory, then, for every week a woman breastfeeds she should be able to lose about half a kilogram, getting back to her pre-pregnancy weight within two months. But, as many mothers will testify, it is rarely this simple.

For one thing, breastfeeding is widely regarded as a licence to eat cake; a generous slice of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting contains about calories; even a skinny blueberry muffin from Starbucks contains calories. Add a grande latte to that, at calories , and you have already pretty much busted any calorie-deficit acquired through breastfeeding.
Why the truth about breastfeeding and weight loss is far from the myth | Pregnancy | The Guardian
Of course, women could make healthier eating choices, but most breastfeeding mothers live in fear of their milk supply drying up — leaving them with an angry baby, who wants to feed even more often — and health visitors will often advise them to eat more and rest, as a means of ramping up milk production. Breastfeeding is also a sedentary business, and new mums are often too busy — and too exhausted — to find time to exercise. Unsurprisingly, then, studies that measured the effect of breastfeeding on weight loss have found only a small effect: a review of five studies , which regularly weighed and measured women post-birth, concluded that after 12 months, breastfeeding mums had lost between 0.
It is possible to speed up weight loss without depriving babies of milk, though. Another study found that by restricting calorie intake to about 2, calories a day and doing 45 minutes of aerobic exercise four times a week, women lost around 0. That is similar caloric expenditure to an intense workout. The two biggest reasons why some women can lose so easily and others cannot are because everybody has a different set of genetics and a different original pre-pregnancy hormonal make-up.
Foods to Eat While Breastfeeding
This makes it really hard to compare one breastfeeding mom to another. Outside those two big factors, we are all dealing with different lifestyles that can contribute to stalling weight loss and even promote weight gain- yikes! Too much of this hormone causes your metabolism to slow.
When you are not sleeping and getting restorative sleep, cortisol lingers in the body. There are many stressful days and nights with hardly any sleep, especially if you are breastfeeding. Stress and lack of sleep will cause adrenal glands to slow down.
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A lot of moms grab the nearest snack for a pick me up. Lack of sleep can also mess with your hunger signals causing you to over eat or under eat. Not eating enough was a big factor for me.
Surprisingly, this causes us to actually hold on to fat. When you are super busy and overwhelmed, often you forget to eat. If you cut calories on purpose to help shed the extra weight often that back fires.
This tends to make the body think there is a famine, and the body actually stores body fat as an energy reserve. Your body always wants to protect your milk supply. Keep in mind, how many calories you are burning is different for everyone. If a mother is breastfeeding every This all factors into how many calories your body burns each day.
Hormones are very different when you are nursing than any other time in your life.
8 Healthy Ways To Lose Weight While Breastfeeding
The closest thing comparable is menopause. This is all important to understand, especially if you are one of those women that is having no luck no matter what you do. If you are breastfeeding, your hormonal make up is low testosterone, low estrogen, and low progesterone.
Lack of ovulation will lower your progesterone, which is very common for mothers breastfeeding.
Common Ingredients
Testosterone is a key hormone that needs to be at the right level to burn fat, having an efficient metabolism, and maintaining muscle. Estrogen usually gets a bad name, but actually it is also needed to keep us lean and burn fat effectively. The combination of low estrogen and low progesterone makes us much more sensitive to carbohydrates and have a harder time dropping fat. We also have an elevated hormone called prolactin. Prolactin is the hormone that is secreted by the pituitary gland during pregnancy and breastfeeding.