Watch the measurements not the scales, they can be so off. Are you snacking? There needs to be a period in the day where we are not fully fed. I read somewhere we are either feeding or fasting.
That brought it home that we need to be hungry for periods of the day, we don't always need to be eating, and we need longer periods between meals. The scales moving up may be a temporary problem, most people say a true stall in weight loss if it is beyond 6 weeks.
Keep going, and stick with it. I'm sure the scales will move down again soon. The body measurements is as important as the scale results but it may be that you are starting to hit a weight loss plateau. If that is the case and the tips in this article is not working, please learn more about the part-time dieting approach.
Im not finding it difficult to cut out my carbs at all but im not losing either this is my second week on this diet i have no nuts little Dairy. I am on Keto for 2 weeks now, I saw lots of keto bakery recipes which use almond flour and coconut flour. Are those bread or deserts considered as fake food? I regard fake food as the ultra processed foods found in stores with a very long shelf life.
Fake foods are full of ingredients we can't pronounce and generally have far too many chemicals, preservatives, colourings or added flavours. If it is a recipe you make at home, and it fits in your carb allowance, then enjoy it occasionally. But part of the ethos of going low carb and keto is to stop relying on our sweet foods and sweet preferences as often as we once did.
Saying that, an occasional treat is nice, and it may as well be a low carb or keto one. I find this very interesting. I have been on a keto diet running grams of fat per day, grams of protein per day, and grams of carbs daily.

All caveman food as there is nothing processed. The course has been in excess of days with very little loss effect. I feel better but have plateaued about 50 days ago and have seen nothing in terms of change. There is less than 20 seconds between sets of each individual workout. My caloric intake is below 2, and nothing. I never cheated throughout the term and nothing.
Steve, have you tried High Intensity interval Training in a fasted state. I read you have boosted your workout but have you combined 5 or even 6 different exercises together, 10 reps each test for 1 minute repeat for a 20 minute period. After workout do not eat for 1 hour.
This really worked for me.
Should you feel a lack of energy try drinking a cup of chicken broth. I bet you will see a difference in a couple of weeks. Steve, see my post above. I am pretty sure you are in starvation mode and cutting more will not give you the results you seek. You need to back off for a while, like two to three months at maintenance calories calories that used to cause neither weight loss or gain before you started dieting and start over using a part-time framework.
You will gain some weight back in the short term while your metabolism heals but I fear it is the only way forward. I can't have dairy and eggs. Would love to get a meal planning guide to try to get an idea how to eat without these. Can't lose the weight.
Thank you. There are some meal plans on this page which are dairy free.
Am I stuck in a weight loss plateau?
How about bacon, tomatoes, spinach etc for breakfast, or coconut cream smoothies. Salads with chicken, mayo, anchovies for lunch and meat, vegetables for dinner? Here is my recipe search so you can see what you can tolerate and what to avoid. We have been on the LCHF diet for 5 months. I have already lost 28 kilos and feel much better and more energetic, my eczema improved and I don't have any heartburn anymore. I do IF and eat 1 big meal a day. So no complaints here. My husband, who wasn't really fat to start with, just had a bit of a beer belly going on, lost 14 kilos.
His belly fat and love handles are gone and at 77 kilos and 1. So you would think he was doing great, but for the past two or three weeks he's been feeling hungy between meals and getting cranky. He says he sometimes feels a bit lightheaded when he hasn't eaten for a while and his cravings for sweets are coming back.
Yesterday I found him snacking on sugar free liqorice he got at the gas station. What could be the issue for him? We eat plenty of healty fats and veg and not too much protein. We're below 30 carbs a day and everything is cooked from scratch. We don't count calories and he eats untill he's full. Should I increase his fats or monitor his calories? Or should I give him bigger portions of food? Maybe he needs a bit more carbs?
I could really use some advice. Well done Joy on such amazing result. Fabulous weight loss, skin improved, no heartburn, improved energy - congratulations. As for your husbands light headedness and hunger, it could be the sugar free liquorice. Check what sweetener they use. For most people stevia, erythritol and xylitol don't raise their blood sugars but maybe it is something else and he is reacting to it - with high bloods sugars or it may be raising his insulin and then dropping his sugars later. Either way, if something health wise has changed, and something new has been introduced, it kind of points the finger to that being the culprit.
Maybe he could try dark chocolate for his sweet fix on the way home? It also has the benefit that you only need 1 or 2 squares whereas a whole bag of sugar free liquorice may disappear before you know it. Also liquorice can have a nasty side effect of upset tummy, and if a bad sweetener is in there too, that can exacerbate the tummy effects. May I also add here that in naturopathic circles licorice is known to lower blood pressure and as an ingredient in naturopathic supplements, is always monitored. I don't think this was your question though as it sounded like the licorice was just something he grabbed to snack on, not a constant snacking tool.
Can you gain access to a blood glucose monitor to see if it is low blood sugar related? If his levels are too low during these lightheaded, cranky times then it may be that individually he does need more carbs or maybe more fat for energy.
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Ketosis is incredibly individual and one size will never fit all. Thank-you so much for adding your experience in here. I love it when we all help each other out with various knowledge and wisdom.
I completely agree also with "one size doesn't fit all" approach. People with blood pressure issues need to be looking at licorice very closely as something to avoid. Licorice dramatically decreases potassium levels, too.
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However, most licorice isn't even containing licorice root from what i can see. Most contain anise as the flavoring agent. Licorice contains glycerrhizin. This can send one to the doctor with high blood pressure. I had this happen in my own life after trying out licorice root tea for a while. I drank two cups of licorice tea per day for a few weeks. BP was quite high.
The only dietary change I had made was the tea. I would eat more coconut oil and cut all carbs plus eat more healthy low carb veggies.
1. Getting started on a low-carb weight loss diet
Your hunger will go away. Maybe more calories also. You don't want to restrict calories if they are the right type. Good amounts of protein and fat will give you the right amount of calories.