- Try your sleep switch.
- Sleep Positions!
- Best Sleeping Positions To Get Rid Of Belly Fat.
- How to Lose Weight While You Sleep - Sleeping Positions that Burn Fat!
I wrote last week answering the question, how many calories do our bodies burn during sleep? Contrary to what many people think, sleep is not an inactive state. During sleep our bodies are doing lots of important work—repairing cells and tissues, restoring full, healthy function to our immune system, consolidating memories and rebooting the neural cells and networks of the brain.
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For a pound person, the estimated calorie burn over a 7-hour night of rest is just over calories. Getting plenty of high-quality rest is an important—and still overlooked— factor in weight control. Here are some of the ways you can harness your sleep routine and your overnight rest to help your body burn more calories and stay metabolically healthier.
Brown fat and beige fat both appear to have significant metabolic benefits. Studies in mice show that animals with higher amounts of brown fat are leaner , and have better metabolic health. Research involving humans has shown brown fat is linked to lower body mass. On the other hand, a lack of brown fat in mice is associated with higher insulin resistance, higher blood sugar, and diabetes. Scientists recently discovered beige fat activates a protein that works to burn calories and generate heat in the body, and may have significant benefits in combating obesity and metabolic disorders.
What do these metabolically beneficial fats have to do with sleep? Research has shown that the sleep hormone melatonin contributes to the increase of both brown fat and beige fat. Both brown and beige fat are sensitive to temperature , and can be stimulated by exposure to cool nighttime temperatures. You can increase your exposure to cool nighttime temperatures by sleeping on a cooling mattress , or by turning the temperature down.
Research shows sleeping overnight in cool environments increases brown and beige fat , by triggering the body to convert white fat to these energy-burning fats. More on the importance of a cool bedroom for weight loss in a minute. Blue light aggressively suppresses melatonin, throws daily bio rhythms out of sync, and inhibits sleep. Research shows this blue light delays melatonin production for more than twice as long as other light wavelengths, and alters circadian rhythms by twice the degree.
Where do we get exposure to blue light? Pretty much everywhere, these days. Sunlight contains blue light. But this short wavelength light is found in especially high concentrations in digital screens and energy efficient lighting, including LED and florescent lights. A study found blue light exposure between the hours of p. Too much bright light exposure, particularly in the evenings, compromises our sleep and health—including a greater potential for weight gain. Blue light blocking glasses are a highly effective, low-cost, easy-to-use protection against the hazards of blue light—which include a risk of weight gain.
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Later bedtimes have been linked to several factors that promote weight gain, including more late-night snacking and a stronger preference for high-calorie foods. Research has demonstrated a relationship between going to bed later and gaining weight. There are likely to be several factors at play. Among them, staying up later simply leaves us with more waking time to eat, and to be tempted by the most calorie-dense foods think sugary sweets and salty fried snacks. Are we less able to resist ice cream and cookies and potato chips at night, after a long day of decision-making, discipline, and focus?
Probably so—and studies show that for people who are sleep deprived, cravings for junk food become even harder to resist.

More time in the evenings sleeping means less time available for snacking, at the time when many of us are most tempted. With so many of us chronically sleep deprived, an earlier bedtime also helps ensure that we get enough sleep on a nightly basis. A single night of insufficient sleep can send hunger hormones from spiking, sending our appetites on the rise. Being short on sleep also makes us more prone to stress and for many of us, to emotional eating. In addition to busy schedules and lots of responsibilities that get pushed to the nighttime hours, some chronotypes are more driven to stay up late than others.
Sleeping on Your Side
Early-rising Lions and sleep-craving Bears are more likely to welcome an earlier bedtime than restless Dolphins and late-to-bed, late-to-rise Wolves. Take my bio time quiz at www.
Evening light exposure interferes with melatonin production—and that can make it easier for our bodies put on weight. Far from it.
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Early in the day exposure to light helps to strengthen our daily, hour circadian rhythms, in part by reinforcing the natural decline of melatonin that happens to us every morning. When melatonin levels drop, you become more alert and ready to be active. That sends you into your day more energized—and apt to burn more calories throughout the day. Morning light also sends powerful cues to your brain that help keep your daily bio rhythms in sync. Sleep dramatically affects the performance of everyone.
Now BellyFatZone invite you to refer to this article together! Besides, a proper sleeping posture also much supports you in the process of losing weight, reducing belly fat. It will be flawed if the weight loss journey to regain your physique only concerns about exercise and diet without paying attention to the straightforward method of weight loss with sleeping postures to reduce belly fat. Experts have stated that: When you sleep in a prone position, that is, putting the abdomen on the bed, the entire weight of the back will put pressure on your stomach and block the abdomen where there is volume — excess fat accumulation.
Read more: Best Pillows for Combination Sleepers Do not maintain this sleeping position prone to lose belly fat throughout the night because it can affect parts of the body such as: pinched the heart causing chest tightness, shortness of breath, obstructing the process of circulation and exchange metabolism. You should only lie on your stomach to reduce belly fat if you feel comfortable and balance the other lying posture after hours.
What Are The Best Sleep Positions and Which One Should You Use?
Besides, you should also note that using low pillows not to affect the neck and spine when performing the sleeping position helps to lose weight. If you are not used to sleeping on your stomach and sleeping uncomfortably, you can refer to the following gentle exercise. This slimming sleeping posture, you can try it out, but be careful to sleep on your stomach all night to avoid health effects.
Lying on your back while sleeping, it does not prevent the process of creating belly fat like when lying on your stomach, but it also helps to improve the situation of stomach pressure, facial skin down to form wrinkles. After years of researching methods of losing weight, a Japanese doctor named Fukutsudzi has come up with a supine way to lose weight and beat belly fat effectively. This is a small exercise you can do before going to bed. Each activity is about 5 minutes.
Note for those who are having spinal problems should not apply this method. This is not a sleeping position to help you lose weight, but this habit also enables you to increase the amount of oxygen in the body, helping to calm, calm nerves, relax.
At the same time, this way of breathing helps you lose weight effectively without having to spend much effort. You do not need to try to lose weight to use the lying position to reduce belly fat by lying on your stomach or lying on your back all night. Note a few things to get a deep sleep and not gain weight, accumulate fat while sleeping. Getting enough 8 hours of sleep a day will help the body automatically burn calories even when the body is at rest.
You should lie in a comfortable position if you want to lose weight while sleeping or lose belly fat. This not only affects sleep but also causes the body to fall into a pinched state, causing limbs and discomfort, very uncomfortable. When you sleep entirely in the night, your body will produce the hormone melatonin — the hormone that helps you have a good and deep sleep, and burn calories effectively to help you quickly regain shape. If your bedroom is affected by a lot of light from the outside, you can buy yourself a curtain for the best quality sleep, and the sleeping postures help with weight loss.