Exercises to lose weight and tone at home

Do 15 more reps. Switch sides; repeats sequence on opposite leg. Stand with feet hip-width apart, right leg about 3 feet behind left. Hold heavier dumbbells with palms facing each other. Bend forward from waist, extending arms toward ground diagonally just in front of left knee. Slowly open arms straight out to sides to shoulder level, contracting upper back muscles.

Slowly lower weights and repeat. Reach arms straight while contracting abs and lift head, neck, and shoulders off the ground. Keep spine rounded, moving as smoothly as possible. After rolling up all the way, pull abs in tight and roll back down one vertebra at a time.

Lie on right side with legs stacked, right arm on ground and left arm on top of left leg. Keeping abs pulled in, reach left hand down as if trying to touch ankle, feeling the contraction along side. Sit with knees bent, feet hip-width apart. Place hands under thighs, inhaling deeply. Exhale, lifting feet off the ground keep knees bent and pulling abs in tight. Lean back slightly, balancing on tailbone, and open arms wide out to sides. Hold for 8 breaths, return to start, and repeat. Plus, they help burn fat, so all that strength training you're doing can manifest the toned body results you're after.

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Choose from one of three levels beginner, intermediate, advanced and pick either a high-impact run or a low-impact speed walk on an incline. Don't have access to a treadmill? Do the same program outside on flat or hilly terrain depending on which impact-level you choose. Follow your cardio workout with 5 to 10 minutes of stretching for your shoulders, chest, hips, glutes, and legs. Follow these minute-by-minute running interval workouts for a treadmill session that won't bore you to death. Copyright by Jeanette Jenkins. Save FB Tweet ellipsis More.

Image zoom. Repeat this same schedule for weeks two and three. Credit: Dorit Thies. Bend elbows 90 degrees, then push back up to start. Scale Up: Do full push-ups; hold plank 60 seconds.

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Push weights back to return to starting position. Scale Up: Do 25 reps with the 8- to pound weights. Squat down, pushing butt backward. Keep body weight over heels. Push through heels to return to start, squeezing glutes.

10 of the Best Workouts for Weight Loss | SELF

Press back to start, squeezing glutes. Slowly curl the weights toward shoulders, contracting biceps. Slowly lower the weights to start and repeat. Scale Up: Do 25 reps with the heavier weights. Scale Up: Do 50 total reps per leg. Targets deep transverse and "six-pack" rectus abdominals.

Lie face up with knees bent, arms extended next to ears, palms facing up. Targets obliques, deep transverse abdominals. Slowly lower back down, using obliques and abs to provide resistance. Do 8 reps; switch sides and repeat. Scale Up: Lift your legs slightly as you reach toward ankles. Scale Up: Straighten legs to creat a 45 degrees to the ground. Comments 2 Add Comment. Use a wall or chair for balance if needed.

When you are able to do 10 to 12 lunges on each leg without support, try the front lunge or another variation. The squat works the major muscles in your lower body and helps to shape firm buttocks and thighs. Always perform a squat with your feet hip-distance apart. Your hips should sink behind you as if you are sitting in a chair. At the gym, you might use a barbell or another type of weight for your squat. At home, you can perform it weightless or use small handheld weights or a kettlebell to add a challenge. A plank exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and those that support your back.

Begin by holding the plank position for 15 seconds. As you get stronger, progress to 30 seconds and eventually 90 seconds.

10 At-Home Workouts to Lose Weight and Build Muscle

As you begin to master the beginner workout, you can incorporate additional exercises to build visibly stronger arms, legs, and abdominal muscles. For this intermediate plan, you can purchase a set of dumbbells or use soup cans or other household items in their place. Start by adding one or two of these exercises to your routine.

You can then mix it up as you get stronger, creating workouts of six to seven exercises of your choosing focusing on the upper body, lower body, full body, or core. Here are six you can easily do at home:. To begin a bicep curl , stand with feet hip-distance apart and one dumbbell in each hand. Maintain good posture as you raise and lower the weights, bending at the elbow. Do two to three sets of 10 to 12 reps. Increase the weight when you able to complete the sets with relative ease. Stand with a dumbbell in each hand to start your lateral raise. Your palms should be facing inward towards the mid-line of your body.

Raise your straight arms to shoulder height and lower slowly. If you find that you are bending your elbows, you are lifting too much weight. Lower the weights and keep your arm straight. For tricep dips, use a stable chair and place your hands on the seat next to your hips. Press into your palms to lift your body and slide forward just far enough that your butt clears the edge of the chair.

Lower yourself until your elbows are bent between 45 and 90 degrees, then slowly push yourself back up to the starting position with control. Complete two to three sets of 10 to 12 reps. To get into the proper position for this exercise.

Top 10 Best Fat Burning Exercises - Fat Burning Workouts at Home

Pull your arms toward your chest as if you are rowing a boat. For this variation of wall squats , stand with your back to a wall and sink down to a seated position with your thighs parallel to the floor.

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Let the wall support your back. Now hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds. As you build strength, challenge yourself to hold the squat for a minute or more. The overhead press can be performed while standing or seated in a straight-back chair.

With your back pressed firmly against the seatback, press the dumbbells over your head with your upper arms positioned in a straight line from elbow to elbow. Extend the arms fully without locking the elbow, pausing momentarily before returning to the starting position. In this advanced workout program, you will need a set of resistance bands and an exercise ball.