They sent me home with a giant envelope of instructions, wax, floss threaders not happening unless I have a whole weekend to devote to it , tiny brushes for getting in between and around the brackets, and a long list of what not to eat: basically everything. I drove home from the orthodontist feeling like I had a mouth full of stuff, well, because I do! I stopped at a convenience store for a soft chocolate chip cookie, broke off a small piece and attempted to eat it.

Nope, not happening. I came home to my wonderful husband making a big bowl of tuna salad as he thought it would be nice and soft for me to eat. I was exhausted and opted for a nap. I tried a few spoonfuls of the tuna and that was good.
Then the biggest mistake ever! I took out a small roll, cut it in half and attempted to make a very small sandwich. The first bite sent me into Defcon 5 pain with my head nearly exploding. Ok, moving on. He also bought some very soft cookies so I tried one of those. I was able to eat that with no problem; but, it got completely squished and entangled in the braces.
The Crushing Truth on How to Lose Weight and Get Healthy | HuffPost Life
Thankfully that piece is white. My mouth is still sore but at least my moral is up. Tony took out the measuring tape and down goes the moral. Actually they had measured me a week ago but they decided to double check the numbers before they printed it in the paper. My waist went up slightly from last week I think I was unconsciously sucking it in so I thought I better let it out and I ended up losing more inches above my waist than below but being a pear is better than being an apple right? This is a concrete sign of progress and I leave with a metal grin from ear to ear.
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I met Amanda at Mawson and had a good workout. Thursday I was grateful for a home day to catch up on the home front and nurse my still sore teeth. I am slowly getting accustomed to this foreign object in my mouth but I still have to keep my food relatively soft. I end up boiling a big pot of vegetables so that I can still get my greens without having to fish half of them out of my teeth.
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Friday Brian took the day off and biked with the kids to school. The kids really enjoy this time with their dad and the exercise does them all good. When I arrived home I found Maddy home from school nursing an injury she got in gym class. After such a hectic week we were all glad to see it come to an end braces, injuries and all.
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Even though I had already previewed the article it was still surreal seeing it in the paper. Nevertheless, there was no time to doddle as I had an appointment at Bella Sante. I was instructed to put Betacaine ointment on once every 15 minutes for a total of three applications starting an hour before my appointment. This was applied to numb the area being treated. When I arrived I was feeling a little apprehensive about what was to come but the staff were very reassuring that it was manageable and they were speaking from experience as they had all had it done.
This helped my nerves immensely. She covered my eyes with gauze and then a shield to protect them from the bright light. Then she covered my face with a jelly similar to what they use for ultrasound machines. To be honest the loud snap caused me to flinch more than anything and the light became very intense at times hence the name but Sharon was very good at communicating what was to come so I felt mentally prepared as the treatment progressed.
In total she did 47 pulses on my entire face.
First Days in Braces
The cheek area was not that sensitive but the chin and upper lip did sting a little more. Sharon gave me an antihistamine to take down any swelling and suggested that I could use it for up to three days if needed. Also, I was given cortisone cream to use morning and evening in lieu of moisturizer to aid in healing which I could use for up to three days as well. On my way home I could feel the Betacaine wearing off and my face started feeling hotter.
After about an hour or so I looked like I had a bad sunburn and the pigment on my skin also got darker as time went on. About hours after the treatment the worst was over and my skin no longer felt sunburned. Now all I had was extra freckles that would slough off within the next week so it will be interesting to see my skin transform over time.
What You Can and Can't Eat With Braces
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