Put your goals up where you can see them. Say them out loud each morning. Making sure you see what your goals are can help you stick to them. Understand it takes patience. You won't change all your habits overnight.

Even changing one habit can take a while. Just keep working at it, and eventually, you'll have new, healthier habits.
How to Lose Weight at 12 Years Old
Once you've changed one or two habits, you can work on other ones. Anything that gets you moving around a lot and your heart pumping is good. Some good exercises include dancing, swimming, running, biking, jumping rope, and playing sports. Not Helpful 68 Helpful I'm 11 years old and my mum thinks I'm a bit fat. How should I resist eating so much? Also, how much should an 11 year old girl weigh?
Steps for success
Try to keep busy so you don't get bored and think about eating unnecessarily. Try to avoid snacking between meals. If you really want to snack on something, make it something healthy, like yogurt, fruit, or nuts. How much you should weight really depends on your height more than your age. Not Helpful Helpful Yes, definitely. That is a very good way of getting the vitamins from fruit juice without all the extra sugars and preservatives.
Not Helpful 34 Helpful Try swimming and jogging outside. Go with friends to make it more fun. If it's too hot to exercise outside, do squats, push-ups, etc. Try to avoid junk food and eat a balanced diet. Not Helpful 64 Helpful Yes, that's very bad. You have to eat. You need food for your body and brain to function properly, and to grow and develop right.
Plus, if you stop eating, it slows down your metabolism, which makes it extra-easy to gain weight once you start eating again. Please stop doing this and work on getting in the habit of eating a healthy diet consistently. Not Helpful 89 Helpful You can substitute some water for unsweetened green or black tea.
Also, keep in mind that you will need more if you exercise heavily. Not Helpful 61 Helpful Try to eat lots of veggies and lean meats like chicken. Instead of having something sugary for dessert, eat some fruit or skip dessert entirely. After dinner, you could also go outside and take a walk with your family. Not Helpful 56 Helpful I'm ten, and I get bullied for my weight.
I swim in the summer, and I run, but nothing is happening. What should I do?
You're doing well! Keep exercising. Have you tried to change your diet at all? Eating more fruits and vegetables and fewer chips, cookies and other treats should help. Not Helpful 23 Helpful What if I am too stressed and sad all the time to exercise and pay attention to what I eat? What do I do? Write what's upsetting you in a diary or on a piece of paper and put on music you like. Or start coloring or even watch a movie, but with healthy snacks like strawberries. Not Helpful 11 Helpful You should exercise a little, but you have to slow down the way of eating and eat more and more vegetables and fruits.
Not Helpful 25 Helpful Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Ask your friends to support you. They can go for a run with you or have a bike race.
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Just keep things fun! Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0. Try to stay busy. If you're wanting to snack because you're bored, not hungry, find something else to do. Consider your body size and height. Different people have different frames, so people will all look different. Try your best not to compare yourself to others, pay more attention to what your eating and how much you exercise. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1. If sugar is one of the first three ingredients in a packaged food, it makes it a dessert. Save it for later, and eat some fruit but not too much. If you feel hungry, drink a glass of water before eating.
Sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger, and drinking water will ensure that you only eat what your body needs. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. Don't go on for extreme diet or exercise. Find fun ways to lose weight, for instance, you can go for a walk with a friend, go for bicycling with parents or run with your dog if you have one etc. Ask everyone to exercise with you. They will help you remember your goals and help you achieve them.
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If you hate exercising, add something fun to it so that you can motivate yourself. For example, host a race with your friends and say that the winner will get a gift, or a prize.
How to Lose Weight as a Kid (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Related wikiHows. More References About This Article. Co-authored by:. Laura Marusinec, MD. Co-authors: Updated: October 30, Categories: Weight Loss Goals. Article Summary X To lose weight as a kid, drink water instead of juice or soda since sugary drinks can make you gain weight.
Help Kids Lose Weight
Nederlands: Afvallen als kind. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read , times. Alexa Cooper Jun I lost 14 pounds in 3 weeks and I'm more comfortable with my body than I have ever been! Anonymous Dec 26, I researched quite a bit, and it said all the typical things; exercise and eat less.
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