Most research shows that exercise done on an empty stomach leads to more fat being burned than the same amount of exercise done after a meal.
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When you wake up in the morning, insulin and blood sugar levels are low. As a result, there are plenty of fatty acids floating around in your bloodstream, just waiting for your muscles to pluck them out and burn them for energy. In a study carried in the British Journal of Nutrition , researchers got a group of men to go for a morning run, either after eating breakfast or in a fasted state, having not eaten since the night before. Skipping breakfast and running on an empty stomach led to an average of 20 percent more fat being burned.
Japanese scientists also report that fasted exercise accelerates fat burning throughout the day.
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In fact, over a hour period, fasted cardio led to almost twice as much fat being burned compared to a day where the exact same workout was done after lunch. Exercise in a fasted state also does a better job of activating various fat-burning genes compared to the same amount of exercise done in a fed state. These changes in gene expression mean that your body will find it much easier to break down stored fat and burn it off.
Case closed, right? Not exactly.
Here's why. Over time, your body will adjust the rate at which it burns fat and carbs.

What happens during a workout itself, or even what happens in the 24 hours after that workout is over, doesn't tell the whole story. There are only a handful of studies to look at the long-term effects of fasted cardio on body composition. When a team of researchers looked at the effect of four weeks of cardio performed in a fed or fasted state, it was only fasted cardio that led to a decrease in body fat percentage.
However, the amount of extra fat lost—less than one half of one pound—was very small. In a follow-up study , 20 young women were assigned to one of two groups: a fasted group that performed 50 minutes of walking or jogging three times a week after an overnight fast, or a non-fasted group that ate breakfast before exercise.
After four weeks, there was no significant difference in the amount of fat lost between the two groups.
Is Working Out on an Empty Stomach a Good Idea?
After six weeks, both groups lost an average of 1. But there was no difference in the amount of fat lost between the fed and fasted groups. In fact, a number of studies, including a study from Brazil and a study from the United Kingdom , found a link between improved metabolism and exercise on an empty stomach. The catch? These studies were done on young, healthy men who were performing intense exercise.
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This means we need more research to really understand the impacts of not eating before a walk in the general population. On the face of it, this seems to make sense. If your body is already in a state of hunger, further exercise might encourage it to burn fat as you walk. Additionally, a study from Switzerland found that exercising on an empty stomach can cause some performance issues in the short-term.
But, for a regular morning walk, not eating might do more harm than good. Oh, and as Columbia University notes, walking on an empty stomach might cause your blood sugar to tank before you get home.
Walking on an empty stomach, does it help to burn fat?
As a result, you may overeat during your post-walk meal. When presented with what seems like conflicting schools of thought about if you should eat before a morning walk, it can be tricky to know what advice to listen to. Although some research does suggest that walking or exercising on an empty stomach can be beneficial, it may do more harm than good. Walking on an empty stomach can cause your blood sugar to fall very quickly. As a result, you may feel sluggish and your performance could suffer.
For the vast majority of people, including older adults, eating before a morning walk is important.
Walking on an empty stomach, does it really help to burn fat?
The key is to stick with small meals or snacks before your walk, rather than a large multi-course breakfast. That way, you get the energy boost from food that you need, without feeling overstuffed on your walk. Author Recent Posts.
Gaby Pilson. I spend a lot of time outdoors and have an interest in backpacking, climbing, paddling, skiing, and expedition-type adventures.