My coaches and I adapt to my training frequently, all with the goal of supporting my long-term success and health in the sport of javelin. In the lead up to the Olympic trials, I was told in order to improve my performance on the field, I should try to become a leaner, skinnier version of myself. So I changed my diet. And I believe becoming leaner than my body naturally wanted to be was what caused my ACL to tear. In the end, it cost me heavily going into the London games.
You should do your research and experiment with your diet to find what makes you feel the best, rather than focusing on what you look like. Today, if I feel like having a chocolate chip cookie, I have one, just not every day. I hydrate and allow myself time to recover. And I listen to and communicate with my body so that I can be the best version of myself. In the end, you are in control of how you see, treat, and respond to your body. Be a true sport athlete. Love who you are in this moment and get excited for all the places your body will take you.
Today, I want to talk to you about being a good sport. First, real winners act the same toward their opponent, whether they win or lose. Second, follow the rules and be a gracious winner and respectful loser.
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And third, sportsmanship reveals your true character. I started competing in Modern Pentathlon eight years after my older sister and three-time Olympian, Margaux Isaksen, began competing.
I soon realized that people often compared the two of us. I know that it would have been easy to let our hyper competitive mindset affect our relationship, but instead we decided to support and cheer for each other, regardless of our own performance.
5 Reasons to Keep "Fat Burner" Supplements Away from Young Athletes
My experience of competing against and being compared to my older sister, taught me to focus on how to perform at my best, rather than putting wasted energy into wishing for others to fail. I believe that sportsmanship reveals true character. Remember, be a fierce competitor, find grace in all your victories and losses. And I hope to see you out there. Maybe what you want is very simple, for everyone to just run in the right direction, score for their own team, to try and try again and again.
Maybe you want your athletes to become all stars. You want them to earn trophies, medals, win titles. You want them to reach the highest height their sport allows.
Fat Burners: Foods, Exercises and Side Effects
But as every great coach discovers, developing a great athlete means nurturing, nurturing the even greater person within. Truth is, you have even more influence than you know.
- Natural Fat Burners & Dangers of Fat Loss Supplements?
- Harmful Effects of Diet Pills and Supplements?
- What are fat burners?.
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- Fat Burners: Foods, Exercises and Side Effects | Fat Burning Diet Plan?
- Fat Burners - PHD?
You can be both the coach who provides the skills needed to win the game and the coach who helps them learn and succeed beyond the sport, to become all stars wherever they land in the future, and to enjoy their lives more now, because the confidence and courage they find working with you will stay with them when they need it the most. There are games to be won, lives to change. Coaches have the power to do both. What kind of coach do you want to be? At first glance, dietary supplements look the same. Most vitamins, minerals, fish oil, and other supplements containing nutrients are probably just fine, but supplements are not evaluated or approved by FDA before they are sold.
Although it is rare for vitamins or minerals to be contaminated with drugs, there has been at least one case of a vitamin containing an anabolic steroid. At the other extreme are products that contain drugs, stimulants, anabolic steroids, or other hormones. Even though these are not technically dietary supplements, many of them are labeled as supplements. Some pre-workout or energy products contain illegal stimulants like DMAA, ephedra, or other amphetamine-like stimulants. Weight loss products might contain prescription drugs like sibutramine, or hormones, like human chorionic gonadotropin, also known as hCG.
All natural or herbal sexual enhancement products might contain hormones or Viagra-like drugs. After all, two products might look the same, but one might contain just amino acids and other legitimate ingredients, while the other also contains anabolic steroids. Because of this, FDA has issued a warning about certain categories of supplements: body building products, weight loss products, and sexual enhancement products.
Be extremely careful when considering a supplement in one of these categories. We strongly recommend that you avoid products in these categories. Even when FDA tests supplements and finds dangerous ingredients, companies sometimes refuse to recall them. Sometimes, they simply repackage their product and continue selling it under a new name. You need to do your research and be an informed consumer. The dietary supplement industry is enormous.
Supplements that appear to be safe could actually be dangerous products in disguise. If you use dietary supplements without doing your research, you may be taking serious risks with your health and your career. Skip to content. January 2, Dietary Supplements , Shortcuts. Coaches Parents. Ingredients to Watch Out For To be clear, there are no known dietary ingredients or supplement that measurably or consistently alter body composition or metabolism to result in loss of fat, or a change from fat to muscle.
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Ingredients commonly found in weight loss products Actions or advertised actions Ephedrine or pseudoephedrine from ephedra [ma huang] or country mallow [ Sida cordifolia ] , caffeine, theophylline, theobromine from cola nut, guarana, or mate , bitter orange citrus aurauntium Bladderwack fucus vesiculosus , 7-keto-DHEA Stimulants. Can interact with medications, caffeine in other foods and drinks, and come with all of the side effects of stimulants restlessness, insomnia, racing heart, etc. Do not actually make you lose weight. Can cause side effects associated with laxative use diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, bloating.
Dehydration Adults who commonly consume caffeine adapt to its mild diuretic effect. Inability to Focus over-use of stimulants The stimulants in weight loss supplements may increase alertness and improve focus for a little while, but these effects diminish with continual use. Short Cut Mentality Perhaps even more important than the acute negative effects, weight loss supplements encourage the idea that short cuts are acceptable in place of hard work. Related Content. July 30, Make muscle a priority: It's a common approach to simply take a thermogenic, hop on the nearest cardio machine, and dream of being smaller.
But your body deserves better than this approach! Along with your nutrition and supplements, you should follow a comprehensive training program that maximizes fat loss while also minimizing muscle loss. When sustainable weight loss is the goal, muscle is your friend! It burns calories, gives your body shape, and allows you to stay active and feel good doing it. The most popular weight-loss programs in Bodybuilding. If you want to stay lean for the long term, you need more than just to "cut! As long as you take a reasonable approach to your overall nutrition and keep a watch on your stimulant intake, fat burners can be a safe way to increase your results.
Here are the biggest rules to keep in mind. Don't diet forever: To be clear, no, you don't need to be on a diet for the rest of your life to lose weight. If you cheat on your plan occasionally, just get back to it and keep moving forward.

After your diet, and once you cycle off of your fat burner, it's important to bump your calories back up to or above what is known as "maintenance," where your calories and calorie burn are roughly equal. One popular way to do this is what is known as a "reverse diet," where you gradually and systematically raise calories.
Don't go too low on calories: During your targeted diet phase, the key is to stay in a slight caloric deficit—that means consuming fewer calories than you burn. But don't think that fewer is always better! It's a common myth of fat loss , particularly among women, that an extreme calorie deficit is a good way to get more out of a fat burner. But not forever," explains Susan Hewlings, Ph. Remember, the ultimate goal is feeling good and being healthy, not just looking lean! A good goal to have in mind is to eat the highest amount of calories you can, while still losing some weight.
Be careful with stimulants: If you can't start your day without a cup of coffee and you drink another throughout your day, be careful about choosing a stimulant fat burner. Most fat burners, unless they specifically say they are stimulant-free, contain caffeine, yohimbine, or other stimulants. While you will definitely love the energizing benefits you'd get from such a high caffeine intake, if you're mixing fat burners with multiple cups of coffee or any other caffeine-containing beverage, there is an upper limit for the effectiveness of stimulants—and it's different for everyone.
As nutritionist Alan Flanagan explains in the article " Why Less Sleep Equals More Body Fat ," cutting into the quality of your rest—which excessive stimulants definitely can do—can lead directly to more fat gain. Also, most people who have taken fat burners consistently can tell you at least one story about a time they got more than they bargained for from a single dose and ended up sweaty, jittery, and feeling a little out of sorts. So before you even get started on your fat burner, make sure to shop around a bit and find the one that best matches your needs and preferences.
Read reviews of the most popular fat burners , and don't just jump on the first one you see. There are two main kinds of fat burners: those containing stimulants, and those which are stimulant-free. Most but not all thermogenic fat burners contain stimulants, usually including caffeine. Caffeinated fat burners are good for people who find it difficult to summon up the energy to do a vigorous workout or lengthy cardio session.
Caffeine is also a potent appetite suppressant for those who find that their ravenous cravings get in the way of their results. So yes, there's a very good reason that it's such a popular ingredient in fat-burning supplements! As effective as caffeine is, though, it's far from the only ingredient in popular fat burners.