From plank, jump both legs forward into a wide sumo squat with toes pointed outward. Here's how to do squats and lunges without killing your knees! Place your hands in front of your chest, as if ready to catch a ball. Return to plank and repeat. From plank, bring your right arm and right leg further out to the side, then do one push-up drop to your knees, if necessary. Return to plank; repeat on the left. From plank, jump your feet in, just behind your hands. Leap up high to the sky with arms outstretched, then tuck back down.
Jump back to plank and repeat.
From plank, jump your legs out wide and then back in. Next, jump your feet forward, tucking your knees toward your tummy.
Burn fat fast with the ultimate HIIT workout
Pro tip: Learn the proper plan positioning here , before you start this move. From plank, drop your body down to the floor. Raise your arms overhead and lift them slightly up or lift arms AND legs, if your lower back allows.
Drop to the floor and place your hands under your shoulders to press back up to plank. From plank, jump both feet outside of your right hand. Return to plank. Jump both feet outside of your left hand. From plank, walk your hands in until they nearly touch your feet. Walk them back out to return to plank.
How to perform HIIT properly
From plank, take your hands out slightly wider than your shoulders and do one push-up. Jump your feet in. Rise up and do two lunges alternating legs , then leap up high. Tuck back down with feet in, then jump back to plank with wide arms. Get stronger triceps here. Sculpt your bottom half now.
A minute full body HIIT workout — no equipment required
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Learn how to do burpees, box jumps, squat thrusts and much more.
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Look forward to highly intense workouts! No pain, no gain, it's all up to you! If you are after one of the best fat burning HIIT workouts, Tabata exercises are what you should be doing.